



Rays of light found their way to the room, sparkling off the shiny glasses on the floor. For a quarter of the next minute my mind was shattered and deteriorated as I blinked my eyes looking around.

Didn't know where I was expecting to find myself but definitely back at the spot where the entire night had started from right there in the floor of her bathroom.

I looked around again still feeling a bit wonky from the tranquilizer dart, I rolled my eyes before pulling it out of my laps.

In a way, the previous night was still at the back of my mind like a sort of dream state—I could still see the pictures vividly…

I could see my wolf running after the man, pushing him to the ground and the rest were just puzzled at the back of my mind.

Memories of the previous night flashes across my brain again—The man, my brain was unsettled for a short period as I wondered what had actually happened.

If it made things better I couldn't taste blood and it gave me some kind of hope that he might be alive, I was still trying to figure out what had happened when a knock sounded heavily on the door.

"Hey, are you awake yet?" I could hear them giggling from behind the door.

"What do you need?" I called out back at Anna while grabbing a robe.

Anna stared at the shards of glasses on the floor to my face. "You are paying to fix that right?"

I pushed past her and Walked Into the room that still stinked of alcohol and sweat, as it turned out they had assumed I had locked myself in all through the night.

"Did you actually sleep on the floor?" One of the girls asked if I made a grumpy noise causing a stir in the whole room.

"I knew you had a light head for these drinks."

While all these were going on my mind was still feeling a bit unsettled, deep down I was still trying to remember if I had actually killed the man or not.

From all the clear signs I was getting he was still alive, or perhaps he should be…

Another thought filled my mind, this time it was all settled on who had actually shot me, though at the back of my mind I knew exactly what the answers to my question was. It didn't change certain brute fact that at that moment seemed out of the ordinary.

Anna nudged at me with her elbow. Apparently she had been talking to me all through and there I was lost in a zone of my mind.

"Are you fine?" She asked with a little bit of concern.

"Yeah, why did you ask?" I turned to face her.

"You seem lost."

"Lost?" I was a bit unsettled . "Why did you ask? "

She shrugged. "Well, you look kinda worried, sort of —I don't know how to explain it."

"I am fine, just trying to figure out how the previous night everything is just like a puzzle at the back of my mind. "

She snickered. " What else do you expect, you were dead drunk. "

" You won't understand, it is—"

We were interrupted by a heavy knock on the door that unsettled us the very least.

"Who do you think is there? Kate asked as she walked in with a cup of brewing tea.

It was exactly what I needed now to calm my nerves but at the moment I was distracted with something totally different as our attention turned to the door.

She walked toward the door, walking behind. I gasped when I saw who it was.

She opened the door and from. Her conversation she appeared to know the man she was interacting with who looked to be a local as well.

"So you are telling me no one came this way?"

"Absolutely no one, we were having a sort of party and were all indoors before this time you speak of."

The man turned to the other that had a stitched mark running through his chin still fresh. The image of a man 's face flashes across my optical gaze. I could see myself right there over his body making that same mark.

"What about your friend?" The moment he turned to face me, all attention was on me.

My heart pounded softly as the mark with the stitched mark kept his gaze.

"Those eyes." He muttered, stepping closer.

"That is all you can have for now, we are sorry but we can't help with anything… Maybe you should speak to the —"

" It is a wild beast, one that is very dangerous. "He Interrupts again.

"What?" She exclaimed. " Around here?. "

" Yes and it is still on the loose, so Incase you see anything unusual you know where to find me. "

The man with the scared face kept his gaze on me and gave a crooked smile before stepping out.


I was still questioning my own sanity, when we shut the door and walked back to the room all my mind was still screaming at the fact that this was about to get a lot more worse.

I had seen the look he gave me, it most definitely meant something all what my mind was circled round was how I was going to get myself out of this mess.

What the hell did I just get myself into?

It felt like my soul was wrapped up in a facade and all I was doing was trying to get some kind of leverage.

“What do you think it is all about? " She asked as soon as we walked in.

"What were they here for?" It was Kate, one of the other girls, asking.

“Trust me you don't want to know.” she said.

They looked concerned and turned toward where I was, I shrugged without speaking. In away that was significant to the fact that I had no idea as well.

"Well, they talked about trailing a beast down her."

Both women gasped. "You don't mean that right?"

"Well, I wish all this wasn't true but she heard them say it as well… "

They turned toward me and all I could do was nod my head in agreement.

All through that while just one thought moved radically at the back of my mind, and it was just one question who were those men, the more I thought about the more difficult it was for me to decipher the entire situation.

Not even through the one hour trip was I able to shut out the thought from my heart, one thing was obvious now however and that was the fact that I needed to thread carefully.


I shut the door of my apartment but not the door of mind, the clock ticked and I stared hard at it for a minute running my mind through how the day had gone.

Soon as I was in the space of my room, I closed my eyes and just held it that way for a long time.

Lots of thoughts travailed through my mind filling it up with thrills and chills… Eventually I pushed myself away from the door and made my way to my bedroom to lie on my bed and think.

It was only then I kicked a folded envelope on the floor, I was startled and looked at it keenly for a minute before tossing it on the table to deal with later.

For the rest of the day, I felt a dark cloud hovering around me like a fog. Filled with uncertainty I kept my thoughts numb in my heart…

Anna had insisted on the fact that something was definitely wrong and had insisted I talked about it. It wasn't the same for me however as all my life I had been settled on how to keep all if this to myself till i found a way out.

I was bent on not telling anyone, as unfortunately, I couldn’t trust anyone with this kind of secrets just yet not even Anna, maybe till she understood it more better.

She was very concerned however, that night I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and she walked into the room with a Plastic bag.

Anna had been the only one to call in at work today as alternate days like that were run as shifts at the mall, she had a serious look on her face as she walked in and it got me thinking what could possibly be wrong.

I had a feeling she had something to say and with the manner at Which she was looking it would definitely be something I didn't like.

I led to my dark bedroom where I had been all evening and turned to face her.

For some reason she seemed to be scared Nas she stood in a funny me way almost as if she was sure I might hurt her.

It was my turn to ask a question she had been asking all evening.I moved closer and watched as she moved back.

All of sudden It was a lot hotter than I

remembered, our chest was both pounding heavily for different reasons.

"Are you fine?" I was finally able to ask.

She looked at me for a while keeping what I would call a safe distance, I couldn't remember anyone looking at me in such a way, with such fear.

I was prompted to ask the question again. This time all that filled the room was silence as I awaited her question.

"What are you?" Her lips quivered as she popped out the question forcing me to swallow a lump.

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