
Seventy three



The car came to a stop in front of the mall.

"We are here," Santiago announced.

"I can see that," I replied with a smile.

And then we gave each other one of those fond sidelong looks we had been exchanging during the drive here.

Santiago got down, opened the door for me, and together we walked towards the mall's entrance. In my head, I was going through the tasks I would have to carry out at work today.

I nodded and smiled somewhat absentmindedly at some people who passed me, whose faces were vaguely familiar.

I became aware at some point that Santiago had stopped walking. I stopped abruptly, turned to face him and saw him staring at something in front of us.

I followed the direction of his gaze and saw that Martha stood a little to the side of the mall's entrance. I gaped at her.

What could she possibly be doing here, at this time? It looked like she had been there waiting for us for some time, because when she noticed we had seen her, she picked up her bag from the floor, slung it over her shoulder. Her motions were jerky and tense. It was obvious that she was spoiling for a fight.

"Shit!" I muttered under my breath.

Santiago, still with his eyes fixed on Martha, briefly gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Just play it cool, Glenn. Play it cool," he murmured.

I sighed and nodded. Santiago and I resumed walking slowly towards her, came to a stop right in front of her.

"I don't believe it," Martha ground out.

"You, Santiago. You are with her. What the hell have you been up to with her anyway?"

"It is none of your business, Martha," Santiago said quietly. "This is a place of business and now is definitely not the time to discuss any... grievances you might have. So, if you will excuse us-"

Martha shook her head stubbornly. "Hell no! We are going to iron out this out right here and right now. You are not going to get off that easily. You spent the night with her, right?"

When neither Santiago or I denied it, her face crumpled. She no longer looked angry. She looked sad and heartbroken.

Her breath hitched and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her performance, but bit back a retort.

If there was a way that I could sit this confrontation out, I wanted to take it because Martha looked like she wanted to create a scene if given that chance to.

Martha, sobbing now, took hold of Santiago's arm.

"Santiago," she wailed. "How can you do this to me?... To us. You know that my feelings for you are real. Don't destroy what we have because of her."

Her hands travelled from his arm up to his chest. Santiago pushed it away.

"Stop it. Just stop, Martha," he snapped. "There is now no need for your pretense. Go away and leave me- us alone.

For your information, I have regained my memory-" Martha gasped in surprise."Yes, I have. So, stop with the theatrics already."

Martha gaped at Santiago for a few minutes.

"You mean you remember... everything?" she asked in a small voice.

"He does," I chipped in.

She shot me a glare. "I wasn't talking to you, you-"

"Don't even think of calling her names," Santiago interjected.

"Look, Santiago. Let's go home and talk about this... about all that has happened. Let's sort all this out. Okay?" Martha held his hand tightly and tried to pull him away.

He shook off her grip.

"Get your hands off me," he snapped. "What part of leave me the hell alone don't you understand?"

For a second, Martha glowered at him, her bosom heaving in anger. Suddenly, she drew back her hand and slapped Santiago on the cheek. Hard. He took a threatening step towards her, and then stopped.

"What the hell, Martha?" I yelled.

I lost in then and stomped towards her. Santiago held me back.

"Leave her," he said. "Don't give her what she wants."

Martha sneered and began to back away. "You watch your back, Glenn or you won't know what hit you."

She turned on her heel and walked away. I stared at her retreating back, wishing I could go over there and shake her until her teeth rattled. I was brought back to the present by Santiago's hands on my shoulders. He turned me to face him.

"It's okay, Glenn-"

"How can you even say that? Look what she did to you."

I gingerly touched his cheek where there were some faint imprints of her fingers.

He caught my hand in his, kissed it. "That is nothing. And get that worried frown off your face. Don't worry about Martha. I will make sure she doesn't bother us anymore, okay?" I nodded. "Now, go to work. I will call you later."

He gave me a peck on the cheek and walked away. I went inside and resumed work, but I just couldn't get the confrontation with Martha out of my mind.

"Hey, Glenn."

I turned to see Ann, who came to up to my table a while later, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hi, Ann," I said a little listlessly.

She looked around to be sure we weren't being observed, then she tipped me a wink and leaned close.

"Come on girl,' she said. "You know I've been dying to hear about you and Santiago, so spill."

"Do I have to?"

"Hell. Yeah!"

"Well..., we er-"

Ann waggled her brows. "Yes?"

"We made love last night."

Ann squealed in excitement. "And how was it?"

"It was the most intense-" I stopped talking as my phone beeped.

"Go on," Ann urged.

"Just a minute," I said.

I unlocked my phone and saw I had just received a text message from an anonymous number.

"You will regret this… "

That was the message. It was somehow more ominous looking as it was all written in caps. I suspected that Martha had sent the message.

Or who else could it be?

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