
Thirty two



Glenn asking the question took my mind back to how the previous hour had been after she left me at the table. I had buried that finger in ice hoping that it wouldn't get swollen, while it didn't get swollen as expected the Ice did nothing to tan the reddish color from the cloaked blood around my knuckles.

She stood right there, the same woman that had made me so angry that I got into a fight. One part of me wanted to tell her that she was partially the cause of it and the other part was so damn attracted to the fact that she was wearing one of my robes.

"I'd stop asking since you don't want to talk about it." She muttered standing akimbo.

To be sincere it crossed my mind zero times to share the occurrence with her, to tell her that I had gotten in a fight trying to save the waitress Amber from her abusive lover.

He had walked into the restaurant soon after Glenn and stormed off to where she was at the counter, from the look of things it wouldn't have been the first time of him acting in a disorderly manner.

At first it crossed my mind that I shouldn't intervene but as the drink trickled in and did it's trick and as he swiped his hands to hit her I was swift and held his hands mid air.

Soon, the fight that would have been maybe averted and settled amicably ended up with one man at home and the other at the hospital —probably.

"Santiago?" She snaps her finger.

"Sorry, I was lost for a moment." I apologized. "Can we not talk about this?" I said hoping that she listens and stops dragging the matter any further.

She did, all she let out was a sigh as she went Into the bathroom to get dressed.

Some part of me wanted her to do it right in my presence, but with the aura building up at the moment all it seemed at that moment was as a far off dream.

My phone was soon ringing and seeing it was Martha at the other end I groaned, prior to what I thought she had something different—

She had the best news I had been waiting to hear for weeks, the fact that the laboratory would be opened the following, leaving me with an escape space excited enough that it drew Glenn's attention.

I didn't let out too much when she asked, instead I excused myself and walked out of the room.

As I did, I’d involuntarily gone over what it would take to get out of the rumble that was going through my head, one that was created by me thinking of her.

I knew exactly what I would do. My heart all this while had one thing that was fated to it and that was hiding it true emotions —it was probably the reason I was alone all this while in fact—The fact that I loved with a closed fist .

While that did not have the best incentive, it did help me from unnecessary heart trauma.

However, it was different with her. It was as though my heart didn't fear the whole concept of falling in love with her, it was like it didn’t fear Glenn.

As I made my way down the stairs with the thought flashing across my mind, or was quick to point to the fact that it would probably be the cause of my heart's eventual demise.

I wanted her than I had ever wanted anyone, it was funny how soon and rapid my heart chose it do it bit the fact that I had started a feud just because she made me angry, it was a signal that I was beginning to fall for the idea of with her—To think that my heart skip every time she was near.

At that dinner table, I grabbed a cup and filled it with warm coffee and milk just the way I liked it. I decided to myself that I wasn’t going to go through with the twisted plan my mind had created.

It was as though my mind and heart were battling it, while my body wanted her which was quite evident from the hard-on that was still buried behind my shorts, my heart wanted otherwise.

I would be disgusted at my feelings if truth be told, seeing that I barely know her and she was only supposed to be a woman I could respect and was merely trying to help— Not one I should be thinking about making love to .

With work coming up and the experiment far from being over it to me that I couldn’t afford the distraction. Didn’t want the attachment no matter what my heart or body was disputing, even if she’d fucked with my head already.

In a way it felt regrettable as it was, seeing that with everything I couldn’t help but to be interested in everything that had to do with her.

It was getting to that vital point she couldn’t make a move without my notice, no matter how much I tried to stop myself it felt like a reflex trying to react to her , something beyond my control.

I didn’t know why my heart chose to want to be with her so freely.

Why I had wanted to cover her

mouth with my palm, back her up against the table in her bedroom just a moment ago.

Why I wanted to look into those soft eyes as I slid myself into her and she moaned out my name.

For some reason I wanted all of that and I didn't know why even as it shook my self control hard. If I’d started, I wouldn’t have stopped.

I would have wanted to keep on doing it for as long and I had a tenacious feeling it wouldn’t have been enough.

The door to her room shut with a click behind me, pulling me from my thoughts. The coffee had gone cold by now but I still forced it down my throat.

We sat there all quiet as we ate a late dinner without saying a I sat next to Glenn , who for some reason looked to be a different or rather good spirit from earlier.

It was relieving as I watched her eat, some part of me wanting the silence to remain just so I could watch her beautiful face.

From a distance we heard a howl, I could have sworn to myself that I saw her ear twitch though I felt my mind was playing tricks.

"Are you fine?" I asked sensing her unease.

"Yeah I am." She smiles.

I returned back to eating when the howl came again.

This time she stopped eating and got on her feet, I did the same a bit worried.

"Are you —" I tried to grab her hands but she flung them as she ran up the steps as she did I was confused and went after trying to know if something was wrong.

"Glenn." I called after her but she didn't stop.

"Stay away!" She said almost screaming as the door slammed behind her leaving me shocked.

"Glenn?" I muttered to myself again.

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