
chapter 47

Lora pov.

I turned around to face them, staring at both of them. Lux stepped forward, and I took in his appearance - tall, with sharp features and piercing grey eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked, confusion etched on his face. I let out a laugh and looked up at him.

"Nothing, just having a good time." I moved closer to him, and his scent - a mixture of sandalwood and musk - hit me. My lips brushed against his ear, and I whispered.

"Don't worry, your wife is still here."

He looked stunned, and I walked away, back towards the river. The sound of my footsteps on the gravel echoed in my ears as I reached the water.

I gazed at my reflection in the water, taking in the sight of my tousled hair and smudged eyeliner. I couldn't help but smile as I placed my hands on my cheeks.

As I sat there, I noticed a presence behind me. I stood up and turned around to see Lux standing there. His eyes searched mine, and he spoke.

"What do you mean by that?"

I stood up and approached him, feeling his
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