
Fifty two



My face scrunched up like I was about to start crying again, it had been what I had been doing for the past twenty minutes, sobbing heavily —

The tears were falling heavily now, it rained down my face like a thick rain attempting to flood everything in its path away.

For a couple of minutes, I threw myself on the floor and whined, before realizing it was unrealistic and was doing nothing to salvage the situation.

Was he dead?

I had been there for minutes, I had listened to his heartbeat and got nothing, probably there should be a better possibility.

The words had hardly left my thought when I saw one of his fingers twitch. I wiped my cheeks, already finished crying as I sat at his side.

There seemed to be a faint heartbeat now, as quickly as I could I searched his pockets for his phone before ringing the ambulance.

"Good evening, this is the—"

"There had been an accident." I sobbed again. "A man is here, lying almost dead."

"Alright, can you tell us the location?"

I described the location to them perfectly, before ending the call. By now I was covered with blood, his blood.

My heart raced heavily, as I saw the whole event again at the back of my head like a mirage.

I tried to shut it behind, I was breathing heavily into the darkness every now and then as the adrenaline in me was now wearing off, with every part of me aching and in heavy pain Including my heart.

My heart was deeply hurt the most , I gritted my teeth from the depth of pain I was feeling, refusing to let it sink deeply into me and overwhelm me with anguish.

Deep in my mind, I replayed every stupid mistake I made in her mind, up to this point reliving every moment I had a chance to walk up to him faster. I had the ample chance to reach him faster, to save him faster, instead I was playing stupid.

While I waited, I started crying again…The tears were enough to block out my senses enough that I couldn't see an inch in front of me.

The darkness suffocates every part of me, draining every bit of my energy . Once again I pressed myself against his chest and wept heavily.

"Don't die Santi, I need you." A voice inside if me yearns.

He was getting weaker by the seconds, his body cold and his pulse fainter.

Just when I thought that all was over and that perhaps he was in fact lost forever, the sound of the ambulance filled the atmosphere piercing the darkness.

I turned and could see blaring light shine down my path, they made a stop not far from where he was and swooped out of the van.

I stood away from them, my legs were feeling weak from being there for so long, my heart was still burning from beating frantically.

The light from the van that should have

illuminated me with some kind of hope shone darkness, it shone with a kind of lost hope.

A man walked closer to where I was with a blanket, it was only after he wrapped it around me that I could tell that I was perhaps shivering.

I watched the dark outline of Santiago as he was pushed on a trolley into the van, the rays from the moon shines in the dark and I followed it, avoiding the urge to look at it, I tried not once, but twice, not to look at his almost lifeless body but it wasn't working.

On the third try, I stared hard at him fighting back the tears in my eyes that were trying to burst through my eyelid. In my head I could still hear that screams in frustration.


This place was the last thing on my mind when I set out today, and it left me with an aftertaste of fear. For one, there’s no news about Santi, I was completely alone, with time to ruminate on the past and how much it was connected to this.

I had the time to reflect on the past and the sickling effect it was having on me, I couldn't help it, it left my mind feeling blank and in utter confusion.

There’s time to relive the memories we both shared and how it was coming to an end, there was time to reflect on the sorrow both of our heartfelt.

I was shut down in the dark thoughts of my mind, living in the spaces, trapped in the moment.

A nurse walked up to me with a cup of brewing coffee and behind her was another man with a jotter.

"He asks to speak with you ma'm"

She stepped sideways and the man approached me.

"Good evening, I am Detective Lucas."

I looked weakly at him and merely nodded my head.

His voice was as though coming from a distance, I paid little or no attention. Instead I was drowning away in the screams in my head, the sound of the siren—

Slowly, the sounds of the siren faded away, and all that filled my head was the sight of his body again on the bed.

I can barely see through her tears as they fall,, my body shaking visibly as it fumbles through this darkness in my mind.

He touched me, and I flinched. "Are you fine, you seem lost?"

Lost? I was traumatized — I had that feeling I was consumed by this same darkness, lost seemed like a more normal word ,and I wasn't normal.

"Were you with him in the car?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I was just standing there "

"But you witnessed it all happen?" I shook my head again.

"It was that crazy driver, a truck."

The man took out a picture and showed it to me. "This?"

I looked at the picture for a while again, the image flashing across my mind. "Yes it is."

"That would be all for now, we would speak to you later."

He whispered something to the nurse before walking out. I looked around at the hospital from the dark blue walls, with white to the flooring and hanging lights.

In a way the aura the room gave out was one of life and death, there was this weird feeling in my chest telling me I wasn't meant to be there, at least not anywhere, still it was easy to say that if I wasn't there he would be dead by now.

That dark thoughts sat on the vanity of my heart,a void heart thinking about things that made my head hurt while trying to figure out their purpose—

I didn’t believe I was going to ever see him again yet he was right there, I didn't believe I'd hold him in my hands yet I just did that.

All this would have been different if it happened in entirely different circumstances, the bad side of it was that it wasn't.

In a way all this that was happening felt like a very bad dream, one that wanted to wake up as fast as I could and hope it wasn't real.

The more I stood there, the more I was coming to the terms that all of this was real, every bit of it

I sighed, the events unfolding was happening in a way,that caused each both of us pain, enough pain that I could fe

The entire structure of my heart felt damaged as it could barely see anything , not even the bigger picture.

I walked to the counter. "Can I please use your phone?"

Soon I was at the side of the room with the telephone, it rang twice before but she wasn't picking it up

I was planning to call Ann, to let her know all that happened, the truth was I needed someone and at that moment, she seemed like the best.

It takes twenty minutes, due to the poor reception but she eventually picks up.

I soon started crying again. "He is dying Ann, he is—"

I shivered as I spoke making it more difficult for me to let my words out , the words dying played in my head again.

"Be calm." She stated. "Try explaining this more slowly.

I tried all I could to be silent while speaking, the voice and every bit of it was in my head as I tried speaking but like the previous time it was still hard for me to let out any words.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"At the hospital."

"Which one?" She asked.

I looked around me for the name. "John Peterson."

"Alright, I know the place…would join you soon."

I dropped the call and walked back slowly to where I had been sitting. There was a tiny voice in my head whispering to me that everything would be alright, but at that moment I didn't trust it. I didn't trust anything.

At that moment I saw the doctor walking back to where I was—

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