
Twenty three



I walked around worriedly as I searched for something. My hands reached into my pockets and everywhere around trying to find my bracelets. The bracelet was very important to me and I couldn’t lose it for any reason.

“Where did I place it?” I said as I massaged my temples in worry.

My forehead creased into worry as I tried thinking of the last place I had worn it. I didn’t even realize I had lost it till now.

“What are you searching for?” I heard Santiago’s voice. I found his voice so soothing as I turned to look at him.

“I am looking for a bracelet and it is so important to me,” I said worriedly. “Where did you keep it?” He asked as he also searched around for it while I gave him the description.

“I don’t think it is here,” Santiago said after searching for a while.

“Yes, I will search elsewhere,” I said.

I remembered that I had visited the laboratory, I was going to check there. It had to be there, I was very sure of that.

“Okay,” he said before walking out of the room. He was so caring and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. No one ever cared about me, not to talk of searching for my bracelet with me. I had never met anyone so soothing before, he was capable of lighting the room up.

I decided to have my bath when I got here. I was beginning to feel dirty and didn’t like that. Besides, I also wanted to impress Santiago and I wasn't looking good this way.

My hair was scattered all over my face and my skin wasn't looking as radiant as it used to be. Not like I was beautiful or anything but I wanted to impress him. I didn’t know if he was feeling sane as me, I had caught him staring at me with such curiosity.

My heartfelt fizzled as I got into a flip-flop Santiago had gotten for me. Just remembering about him got my cheeks to turn scarlet red. His presence was quick to make my face turn red, I had been blushing continuously since my arrival here and I didn't know why.

I was already used to his scent which made my head go fuzzy, and my wolf wouldn't stop saying dirty words whenever he was around.

“What was this feeling?” I asked myself. Surprisingly, I was more than comfortable staying with him. Usually I was self-conscious and never liked staying with people because of how they treated me but with him, it was totally different.

He was so gentle and calm with me, he was willing to do anything I asked of him without even questioning it. It just made me wonder if he was my mate. But he was human and I couldn't even explain what I was feeling or understand.

My whole body felt at peace and for the first time in years, I felt like I was his attention. Deciding to shove away thoughts about him for now, I got into the shower and started trying to figure things out. I wasn't used to this system as I was always in the woods, humans had complex technology.

I looked at the bathtub with so many taps, confused about which one to choose. I finally picked one and the water started running and I stepped into the bathtub. The water looked so tempting and felt so too.

My body became relaxed as I slipped further into the bathtub, humming in satisfaction. It has been a long time since I felt this good, so I thought about Santiago again. I wished he was here with me, the thought seemed exciting to me as I giggled quietly.

Just as I was enjoying the water on my skin, it suddenly stopped running and I groaned. I turned on other taps but the results were still the same, the water wasn’t coming on. I suddenly started regretting that I had come to take my bath, I hoped I had not spoiled something again.

“What is wrong?” I asked myself as I groaned in frustration. I had no other chance than to ask for help. I looked at myself to see how I was covered in soap lather, maybe it wasn’t so bad. I had dreamt of him looking at my naked body, I didn't mind at all.

“Not like you have any other option,” I said to myself as I rolled my eyes. I was going to be seen naked by Santiago, I didn’t mind and I scolded myself internally for that. I wasn't the type that thought about men this way but he was so different from the others. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.

“I need help here! Santiago?!” I shouted. I was wondering if he was going to hear, his friends were around and they were all chattering loudly before I walked into the bathroom.

I was about to yell his name when he walked in. His eyes were stuck on my body before quickly taking his eyes away, his face laced with embarrassment.

Was he embarrassed that he was seeing me named or was I embarrassing? I started regretting calling him into the bathroom in the first place. “Congratulations on embarrassing yourself, Glenn.” I thought internally as I scolded myself.

“I was with my friend Glenn, what’s wrong?” He asked, looking everywhere but me. “I am so sorry, I hope I didn’t disturb you?” I asked. I didn’t want to seem like a burden to him.

“No, don’t worry about it.” He said with a smile. “I can’t seem to handle the bathtub, the water just stopped oozing,” I complained.

“Seriously, you didn’t even put on the faucet!” He said with a chuckle. His deep voice echoed around the room, I could almost see myself melting just by his words.

He moved forward and handled the situation and before I could utter any word, the water was coming out. “Thank you,” I muttered in defeat before walking into the bathtub and washing away the soap lather.

All through my bath, I couldn't stop thinking about him. There was just something about him that attracted me, I couldn't seem to place what it was.

I went into the room with my towel wrapped around me as I shivered, the room was very cold. My eyes met the frame and several medals which were hanging on his wall.

Walking towards it, I looked at everything that was there. I picked up his frame to look intently at it, he was just a gorgeous human! His face had all the features any handsome man was going to have.

I was still drooling at his picture when I heard someone clear their throat. Utterly shocked, I dropped the frame and the sound of shattering glass could be heard.

“Oh Goddess, I am so sorry,” I said as I immediately bent over to pick up the glasses that had shattered. I was expecting him to shout at me for breaking his frame but was surprisingly met with silence.

Before I could process everything, he was behind me and started picking up the tiny pieces of glass that had broken.

“I am so sorry,” I apologized again. “It's okay, people make such mistakes at times,” he said calmly and I was more than shocked.

I have never met anyone like home, he was so calm and didn't raise his voice at me. I was used to being shouted at or even blamed for situations like this and was very shocked that he didn't do that to me.

Our hands touched and I felt a jolt of electricity in me. I looked at him and noticed that he also felt what I felt. “Don't worry, I will handle the mess I created,” I said to him as I shot him a smile.

“I just find your actions cute, you don't have to worry,” he said. Just as I was about to pick a glass, it pierced into my finger and I let out a soft yelp.

“Let me see that, I already told you not to bother,” he said with worry. “You don't have to worry, it is just a small injury,” I tried explaining but he was up.

“I will get the first aid box and don't touch anything till I am back!” he warned before walking off. I stared at the injury and watched it clear before his arrival.

I was a werewolf and injuries like this didn't take up to a minute before they were gone. “I am back, let me see the finger,” he said as he crouched to my position.

I showed him the finger and could see the shock plastered on his face. “Where is the cut? I was sure it was on this finger,” he asked confusedly.

I stared at him dumbfounded as I didn't have any questions to his answer, I was more than tongue-tied and mortified.

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