
Twenty two



I watched in fascination as she moved toward the door. She was stubborn. I will give her that but this really was not the time for her to display such character. Inwardly, I began to count down until her feet gave up on her and just as I reached one, she began to collapse to the floor.

I reacted on impulse, shoving myself out of the chair in a jiffy and within seconds before she reached down, I got a hold of her and scooped her into my arms. I knew this was coming so I had prepared for it the moment she stepped her foot down from the bed.

She has even managed to stay up longer than I had initially estimated which made me wonder how she was able to do that despite being under a very heavy sedative. Based on my estimation, she should only wake up after five hours of induction and now roughly four hours, she had managed to not get up but stayed up for more than five minutes.

I shrugged that thought out of my mind as I moved toward the bed with her laying peacefully in my arms. Her face looks nothing like that of the yelling angry lady from a few minutes ago. She looked innocent and filled with so much serenity that I almost lost myself just staring at her face.

I reached the bed in no time and gently dumped her on it. Making sure her head was rightfully placed on the pillow before covering her with the duvet. She snuggled deeper into it almost instantly and I smiled at that. So much for wanting to leave the room in the first place. Her body is yet to recover and needed time to do so, there is nothing she could do but wait.

Sighing, I opened the window just behind me and light streamed into the room. I went back to my previous position and picked up the book I was going through before she woke up. Hopefully when she wakes up again, she will be in the right state of mind to digest what I was going to tell her. For some reason, I felt this was going to be a very long day for me.

Roughly an hour later, she was moving on the bed and was put in a moment later which was a good sign of improvement I reasoned. Unlike earlier when she was weak, she took her time leaving the bed. Just as her feet touched the ground , she was rounding the room toward me, now the room covered in bright light, she could make out where exactly I was.

Anticipating what she was going to bring on this time, I sat up straight and toast the book on the small coffee table in front of me. Not once did my eyes leave her as she stalked toward me and abruptly came to a halt in front of me with nothing between us but the table.

I expected her to yell out again like last time but was a bit surprised she didn’t. Instead, she opened her mouth to speak and then closed it back again. Repeated the same process for the second time and then squirted her eyes at me before turning back to move toward the door.

Again she shocked me when she returned back to the bed and sat down on it when I thought she was going to make an attempt to leave the room again. Hopefully she realized that was not a good idea and gave up the attempt, at least not until she was good enough to even stand on her own two feet.

After about a minute or two of silence, I got up from the bed and strolled out of the room realizing what she needed now that she was finally awake was a good meal. Clearly, it seemed she had deprived herself of that even before now.

When I returned back to the room, I met her laying on the bed and clutching her head with her hand but dropped it immediately I entered.

“The headache is to be expected but hopefully will go away after a much needed meal” I commented, pointing the tray in my hand toward her.

She did not honor my words with a reply but rather turned her head to glare at the open window as if hoping some form of force will waltz in through it and fetch her out of the room in a blink of an eye.

I understood her anger, I really do. I would have been angry if I was in her shoes also. She looked so miserable and ready to end her misery at the same time when I found her hanging on that rope. She had this hopeless look in her eyes and even though this was someone I knew nothing about, my heart broke at that and since then, I have made it my life responsibility to see her live. No one deserves to die that way, no matter what they are going through.

Without another word, I let down the tray on the bedside table and dragged a chair beside the bed before setting myself down on it. Her head was turned to the other side of the room all while I did all of these and when she finally turned to gaze at me, I shove the spoon into the food I brought and raised the spoonful to her mouth.

Just like I expected, she turned her head to the other side again without even a second glance, the food or the spoon that was a few inches away from her face. She was stubborn clearly and getting her to eat will be a very hard task I know.

“Okay just so you should know that I am not in any way trying to keep you here against your will. Just like you said, I got into your business, yes and I am deeply sorry for that but I could not just watch you destroy a life.

You will be out of here immediately you are strong enough to do so I won’t stop you I promise but for now you have to eat if you want to regain that strength” I explained, watching to see if she was really listening which she was but she made no love to eat.

After a couple of more easy persuasion, trying to lure her into eating and she wouldn’t budge, I was starting to get angry so I decided to use a different means on her.

“Listen here it is either you eat this and get the strength that will take you out of here or else I will sedate you again and continue keeping you here for as long as I see please since you do not want to help yourself recover” I threatened.

Wordlessly, I collected the bowl of food from my hand and turned away from me. That was enough to get her to eat I guess but I felt bad for threatening her.

“My name is Santiago and I am a professional doctor actually.” I commented, trying to give a hint as to why I was using the sedatives on her. I don’t want her to be vegan thinking I was forcing drugs into her without knowing the uses or consequences.

“What is your name?” I asked in hope of getting a reply but got none. That was fair considering I ignored her too not long ago. I shrugged nonchalantly and waited in the room until she was done eating, packing up the used dishes and switching off the light before making my way out of the room.

Morning arrived in a jiffy and before I could tick anything on my own routine, I was up from my bed and walking toward her room. My mind literally dropped as I saw the door to her room slightly ajar. There was no other explanation to this apart from the fact that she might have left despite my warning.

Nothing was running through my mind apart from the fact that she might have gone back to the act of ending her own life again and I was so terrified to think that this time I would not be able to save her like I did before.

I was on the verge of dashing out of the place and calling the cops when she walked into the room. I realized a breath I never even knew I was holding.

“Good morning, how are you feeling?” I asked.

“Fine I guess. How are you?” She asked too and I hid my surprise at that.

“Great. I should get you breakfast” I began to move toward the door but she stopped me.

“I can make it, let me help” she commented but I shook my head negatively at that.

“You are still weak, you should rest, I will just order” I replied and made it to the door but was stopped by her yet again.

“Glenn. The name is Glenn” she murmured.

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