
Chapter two

Sunny couldn’t determine the duration of her unconsciousness, but she regained consciousness in a hospital chair. her head ached severely, almost drawing a scream.

Immediately, she grasped the back of her head and quickly surveyed the room. The men were gone, the blood everything..

The room door suddenly opened up 

"Dont pick a night shift if you're gonna fall asleep," judy said as she stepped into the room... “The Martin’s kid said you never gave her medication”

Upon seeing her, Sunny’s expression turned pale as if she had witnessed a ghost, causing her to swiftly flee from the room without acknowledging Judy’s attempts to get her attention. she ran up to the receptionist

"Did anyone leave the hospital last night?" Sunny asked, but immediately shut her eyes, realizing how stupid she sounded. Of course, lots of people have left since last night till now 

The receptionist glanced at her 

"We don't exactly hold the patients hostage sunny," the receptionist said with a bored tone 

"I mean, three men carrying out a wounded man," she rephrased her question..

Judy walked up to them and leaned on the wall beside her

"Now, why would they take a wounded man out of the hospital?" The receptionist shot back, glancing at Judy, then back at sunny.

"Yeah, aren't the wounded supposed to stay in the hospital?," Judy said 

"Just.. answer the damn question. " Sunny shut her eyes slowly getting irritated..

"No, i didn't see them entering, never mind leaving," the receptionist said with a dismissing tone

Sunny could feel her head spinning... There's no way that could've been a dream, right?

The hands around her mouth, the gun, that voice, the blood, those men

It was real, right?


" Sunny?" Judy called, and sunny's eyes shot to her."Are you okay?" 

Sunny nodded

"I just need to get some sleep.. I.. just need sleep, " Sunny mumbled, and Judy nodded, Sunny turned on her heels and walked out of the hospital.


It's been two weeks since the hospital incident, and sunny had decided that it was just a dream that seemed too fucking real..

The receptionist never saw them enter or leave. Since they couldn’t pass through the roof, it was simply a vivid dream that she couldn’t forget.

Nonetheless, she made sure to steer clear of the night-shift to spare herself from additional embarrassment, opting for daytime instead. 

Saturdays were Sunny's favourite. It was the ultimate favorite for everyone - no work, no stress, just lounging on the couch with her cat, binge-watching her beloved show, and indulging in candies without any regard for her body.

Sunny doesn’t fit the mold of the typical model-like girl with slim long legs, a tiny waist, tanned skin, and small boobs.

In fact, she was the opposite

Standing at just five foot two, she has a voluptuous figure that turns heads, with a bra that works hard to support her ample bosom.

She was insecure, but she knew how to hide it well. She wished she was like the stereotype girls. Maybe she would have a boyfriend or two without having to be called fat.. she was pretty, that was her only hope.

She giggled lightly as her eyes focused on the show she was watching FRIENDS is her favorite sit-com. No matter how many times she rewatched it, it always manages to bring a smile to her face..

Suddenly fluffy, her cat jumped down from her leg and ran towards the back door. She threw her head back and groaned, praying she hadn't left the door open. The last thing she wanted was for fluffy to run out.

She stood up and went after her cat 

"Fluffy" she called walking towards the back door.. "flu.." her words got thrown back into her throat as she stared at the man that held her cat in his arms.. her heart ran a million miles and she forgot how to breathe..

"You should learn how to take care of your pets," the man said, and she instantly recognized the voice ...

She heard a low chuckle behind her. When she turned around, she discovered a man sitting on her couch where she had just been, his eyes fixed on the screen as he indulged in her candy and let out another chuckle.

He turned to her

She felt all the blood rush from her head and for a minute; she felt like she was gonna pass out.

It was him, that man, it was really him! 

"ci rivediamo tesoro" 

(We meet again sweetheart)

It wasn't a fucking dream. 

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