

"Calm down, sweetheart, I am no enemy," Nikolaev said, his voice smooth and reassuring, though edged with a hint of amusement. He slowly withdrew his hand from Sadie's face, his fingers trailing lightly against her skin before falling away. Sadie's heart raced with a mix of fear and anticipation as she instinctively tried to put some distance between them, her eyes wide and searching his face for any hint of his intentions.

His chuckle was low and knowing, as if he found her reaction both amusing and expected. His eyes held a warmth that contradicted the danger. As she backed away, her breaths coming quick and shallow, Nikolaev remained where he stood, watching her with a steady gaze.

"I mean you no harm, Sadie," he spoke again, his voice gentle yet firm.

His words caught Sadie off guard, momentarily breaking through the haze of fear that clouded her mind. She studied him for a moment, searching for any sign of deceit, but found none. There was something genuine in the way he spoke.

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