
Part 65 # Rossie & Flash Back

"Sir, are you okay?" asked the head guard with a worried expression evident on his face.

"Yes, I'm fine," answered Leon, although regret and anger still showed on his face.

"Have you identified the attacker?" Leon asked a moment later.

"We're handling it, sir. You don't need to worry," said the head guard firmly.

"I have called the doctor. Please go to the study room immediately."

Leon frowned, feeling like the head guard was doing something unnecessary.

"This is for Madam's sake. You don't want Madam to feel guilty, right?"

The head guard's words felt like a magic spell. Leon no longer argued with him.

A few moments later, the doctor who was called to examine Leon arrived in his office.

"What happened, sir?" he asked spontaneously.

"Just... a small wound," Leon answered briefly.

"It's been a while since I saw you here, Doctor," Leon commented, trying to lighten the mood.

The doctor smiled while examining the wound on his chest.

"It's a shame we have to meet under these circumstances,
De Lilah

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