
Chapter 120.

Eddie's POV

Just then, the clatter of the front door opening jolted me out of my brooding. I expected to see Chloe, perhaps thirsty after a long nap, but instead, I saw Amelia walking in, a small smile on her lips. She seemed to be lost in thoughts, not even knowing when I approached and leaned against the wall.

"And where have you been?" I growled out.

Amelia's POV

The unexpected question threw me off balance. I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing a semblance of calm into my voice. "Just went out for some air," I replied, my gaze flitting away from his accusatory stare.

Eddie's frown deepened. "Air?

"I needed a break," I countered, my voice firmer this time. The guilt that had been gnawing at me earlier was slowly morphing into irritation.

"A break from what?" he pressed, taking a step closer. His proximity was suffocating, amplifying the confusion and hurt swirling inside me.

"From everything," I said vaguely, refusing to elaborate. I didn't need to justify my actions to him,
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