
Chapter 96.

Amelia's POV

As I slipped into my nightgown and crawled into bed, the events of the evening replayed in my mind like a movie on fast forward. The awkwardness with Olivia, the warmth of the restaurant, Alex's playful offer, the comfortable silence on the drive home – it all swirled together into a confusing cocktail of emotions.

But most of all, it was the image of Eddie carrying me to bed that lingered in my thoughts. The way he looked at me when I woke up, the concern etched on his face, the warmth of his touch – it all sent a delicious flutter through my stomach.


The next morning, I woke up to my bed making a creaking noise, but I ignored it. The insistent bouncing on my mattress finally managed to pry open my eyelids. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. I groaned, swatting at the air in a feeble attempt to silence the source of the annoyance.

A giggle erupted right next to me, and I realized a mop of blonde hair was the culprit behind the
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