

"You are that girl from last night that almost got herself killed." He said in realisation and I opened my eyes back. I felt embarrassed for thinking otherwise. I didn't like how I was feeling with him around me. I was usually very confident with my other clients but my previous mess up made me nervous, as I didn't want to fuck anything else up.

"Oh yes, you didn't really give me a chance to thank you enough." My voice faded. I couldn't believe I had thought he would kiss me. A complete stranger.

"Don't mess anything up for me. I know that not many men do this but this family event is far more important than anything to me." He seemed to be warning me than making a statement and so I nodded fast. I knew we would first have dinner at his house before meeting the rest of his family.

"Yes sir." I said in a reflex.

"Very well." He stood to his feet, "I'll take a shower. The make up artist and the hair stylist should be here any minute to fix you up. I'll call my mother to let her know we are here." With that, he proceeded towards this bathroom, leaving me alone in the room.

I thought about what I'd do and say. This role was not going to be easy, not only because I didn't have any polished acting skills, but because I couldn't relate to the lifestyle u was to play.

I read through the documents again. I was supposed to be playing Claire Williams. Twenty two year old reporter with my own apartment. I met Greg at a business meeting and I knew from the onset that we were supposed to be together forever.

When Greg got out of the shower, he was in boxers and his body was dripping wet. I couldn't help but absorb how beautiful his abs looked. The shine that the wetness gave his skin, I couldn't help but worship him. He must have dedicated hours to build this body.

His wet jet black hair stuck to his face in wavy strands and he was gently brushing his towel against it.

"I'll be back, I need to attend to some issues." He said. I wanted to know where he was going but it wasn't in my place to ask at all.

"Okay." I nodded, watching him dress up. I wondered how the closet was already organised with clothes but then this was Greg we were talking about.

He got himself in some grey shirt and a pair of black pants, juggled around his pockets for his keys and made his way out of the room.

I sprung to my feet, thinking about the previous events. It was hard to believe that I would manage to get the job regardless of all we had to face to get to this stage and I was beyond glad.

I pulled my phone out to update Vivian first via text because I couldn't bring myself to talk to her on the phone for fear of what she would say and ruin my mood.

I sat back down on the bed and crossed my legs, deciding that the next person I wanted to talk to was Olivia.

I was always anxious to speak to this woman on the phone but I did it regardless.

"Elena Divanel." She said in that bored tone I despised to hear.

"Hi Olivia, do not hang up please." I said quickly. "Is she still at the firm?" I crossed my fingers as I spoke, hoping that there would be no bad news involved.

"You keep asking me the same questions everyday as if you plan on doing anything to make the situation a better one." She scoffed and I truly understood why. "She is, but I'm going to be honest with you, two families are coming to check on her next week and if they like her, we are proceeding to sign the documents and that's it, I'm not delaying anything further. She has been here for way too long, I can't take it."

"Olivia, I know I say this a lot but you have to believe me this time, I have gotten the money and I'm coming for her as soon as possible, no matter what, do not let anyone take her away, please I'm begging you." I could hear the crack in my own voice, I had already come so far to give up now.

"I'm not buying it. Come here with proof, enough of the promising stories, no one is truly interested anymore." She assured me and hung up before I even had the chance to say anything further.

I broke down on my knees and began to sob. It didn't last long though. I stood up sharply and walked to the full length mirror in the room. "Pull yourself together Elena. You've got this. All you have to do is ensure that nothing gets messed up and that's it."

I looked out the view at the hundreds of cars speeding by in New York city and wondered how it was possible that I had landed myself such an opportunity.

I made my way to the bathroom and it was just as glorious as the bedroom. "Get your shit together woman, this is only temporary." I warned myself before I got too attached for my own good.

I spent a decent amount of time in the bath tub before deciding that it was finally time to head back into the bedroom.

I looked around me and realised I had not come with a towel. It didn't matter though and so I stepped into the bedroom that way only to find that Greg was back and sitting on the bed. He turned his eyes to look at me and when his gaze got fixed on my naked body. I stood glued to the floor, not knowing what action to take next.

My heart beat fast when I saw him stand to his feet. I put my hands over my nipples to shield them from sight.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stuttered, taking steps away from him.

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