
Mate From A Foreign Pack

"I thought Kayla brought me to the nursing chamber, but it was him!" Skyla sighed. 

She was sitting on the carpet right next to the furnace to keep herself warm. She had a paper handbag beside her. Her wounds were concocted with an ointment that she found in the paper bag. That ointment was accompanied by a small letter; a letter that clarified who brought Skyla from her school to the nursing chamber. It was Prof. Thomas. 

Skyla went on to read his letter. 

Hello Skyla! 

I am so sorry for the violence and torcher inflicted on you. I wish I could stop it, stop those rascals from bullying you, but you see I can't do much about it! I don't have any control. In fact, I am being controlled. 

Skyla's dry eyes soon accommodated some tears. She could absolutely feel what he had written. She cleared the tears and sniffed as she continued with the letter. 

You are badly thrashed by them. So, I thought it was the best thing to send you to the nursing chamber. I hope they treat you well! I hope you find the ointment I have sent you! Believe me, it will do miracles to restore your skin. It might burn a little in the beginning, but later on, you will feel much better, so do apply it! 

Skyla's lips curled up a bit and she said, "Yes, it's working well! My swelling has reduced considerably!" 

Skyla, I know you might be tense and frustrated for not being able to appear for the exam, but that is completely fine! All that should be your concern at the moment is your health! The exam can be given next year too! 

Skyla couldn't hold back her tears and sobbed, "I don't even know if I will be alive or not by next year!" Her eyes continued reading the letter. 

Skyla, I appreciate your hard work, and determination to get free and independent through this entrance exam, but I feel you should have a backup ready. Something that will speed you up to achieve your goal. I know you might feel weird when you read what I have to say, but I believe I should put it out to you! It's crucial! 

Skyla's hold over the letter tightened, preparing herself to read what important thing Prof. Thomas was pointing out. 

Skyla, you are 22 already. It's time for you to not only concentrate on your studies but also find a mate for yourself! You might be wondering how MATE came all of a sudden! It didn't come suddenly; it was already there! It's time to open your eyes and search for your mate! Believe me, once you get your mate, you will get exceptional strength, seamless love and care, and everything that will help you progress! 

Skyla laughed off gloomily and said, "Mate?! MATE?" Her laugh got replaced by a solemn tone, "Destiny has always made sure to give me the worst! My life is not about blossoming, but withering. I

feel from the previous day itself, my fate, THE GREAT MOON GODDESS cooks trouble for me that would be served on the next day!" 

Her voice started breaking and she sniffed, "At times I feel, Moon Goddess might not have created a mate for me! After all, I am the unluckiest! What if I am mateless?" 

She continued, "As far as I know, each werewolf is gifted with his mate on his eighteenth birthday! I am 22, but still no sign of a mate! I am sure I am mateless!" 

Wiping off the tears drenching the letter, she read the remaining. 

Moon Goddess has a mate for everyone. I am sure she has one for you too! Nobody likes to receive their mates late and so would you be feeling like. But believe me, you are lucky to have yours late! 

All your life you have been toiling in your pack. I know you might not have taken a step out of your pack territory. It's a fact that the eighteenth birthday means the arrival of one's mate! If any of your pack members would have been your mate, you would get to him now on your eighteenth birthday, but you didn't! So, that means your mate is from the territory outside. You are unlucky to have all your pack members as your enemies, but you are lucky to have your mate from a foreign pack. He will protect you from all the evil and free you from the Red Moon Pack's shackles! 

So, it's time for you to step out of your territory. I know it's not easy, those rascals won't allow you, but I know your zeal for freedom will definitely help you to break the boundaries and search for your mate! Have faith in the Moon Goddess. I am praying to her that you get your mate soon! 

~ Prof. Thomas 

Skyla's lips curled into a smile. Her lips fell apart and she grinned. For the very first time in so many years, she was feeling this ecstatic. All her life she had been beaten up for no reason and today was the worst of all. The examination that she was preparing for, for so many years to land in her favorite Isle University was a failure. She couldn't even attempt the paper. On top of that, being bullied by her own crush broke her heart into pieces. She thought it was going to be the end of her life. Her hope of living independently got extinguished and so did her body's strength. However, Prof. Thomas' letter did a miracle that made her forget all the bad happenings. She was no longer feeling heartbroken or physically weak but she was elated, elated to know that there was one door that was to be opened to let the light eat away all the darkness and that door was HER MATE!

She kissed the letter and thanked Prof. Thomas for giving her a logical, warm hope. 

Looking out of the window, her eyes reached the Moon Goddess and she said, thrilled, "Have you sent a mate for me, Moon Goddess?" Her eyes traced back to the letter and she said gleamingly, "I hope your words are true, Prof. Thomas!"

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goodnovel comment avatar
Claudia Michele Croy
finally some hope

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