
Chapter nine

An eerie silence existed between us as the door clicked close after his mother. I froze, only realizing then that I should have left with her instead of leaving myself at the mercy of the dangerous man before me.

I expected him to attack me abruptly and beat the hell out of me as is typical of most mates when they don't desire you. What I didn't expect was for him to calmly stroll to the couch and collapse on it, exhaling in defeat as he hunched forward and wracked his long fingers through his brown shoulder-length hair.

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling guilty. Is it that bad? Perhaps, I shouldn't have told the mother all that I did. I was left with no choice when she asked if what I said to the guard was true. As though she charmed me-more like an entrancing spell that made me divulge everything to her-including the ones she didn't ask me.

"Are you happy now?" He asked in a brisk breezy tone that caused the air to stifle around me. Possibly, he could hear the sound of my heartbeat
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