
2 - Star-Crossed Lovers


“Still at the coroner’s office.” She threw him a puzzled look. “Why?”

“Nothing,” he said, returning to his dinner. “And no, I won’t come.”

Her shoulders slumped. “It’s Plumber Paul’s funeral, Gildeon,” she said, frustration slipping into her voice. How many times had he let her attend community gatherings alone?

“Will it kill you to show up just this once?” She stabbed her fish harder than necessary. “I’m sick of making excuses for you.”

And sick of the gossip that she was an incompetent wife or that she was trapping Gildeon in a loveless marriage. If only they knew what was really going on within these walls…

The irony made her want to bang her head on the table.

“I’ve got better things to do,” he said dismissively, not even bothering to look at her.

“Like what?” She scowled, feeling the air thicken. “You never tell me what you're up to when you're not at home or at school.”

His face froze, his eyes darting at the space surrounding her like he was seeing something she couldn’t.

“Whatever I do is for our protection,” he said firmly as he finally leveled his gaze at her.

She was reminded of his story about how they used to be star-crossed lovers, born into feuding families from the Middle East. Eventually, they’d defied their parents, eloped, and married in secret.

“How did I lose my memories again?” she demanded after a moment.

His chiseled jaw ticked, his mouth twitching tensely. “How many times do I have to tell you this?”

“Indulge me, Gildeon,” she insisted, lightly scraping the tips of her fork against the edge of her plate.

He held her gaze before resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. “Our parents were hellbent on breaking us apart,” he began, sounding as if he were in his class, giving a lecture. “Your parents sent henchmen to assassinate me, and mine did the same to you. We were driving away from them fast, but I lost control of the car and we flipped over.” He paused, watching her reaction closely. “You were unconscious, but I got you out in one piece.”

The rest unfolded: a friend helping with fake passports and documents, arranging a secret trip on a private plane to Caylao Island...

The more he told the story, the more it sounded rehearsed. She still couldn’t wrap her head around waking up in this house as her first memory. She’d been in and out of consciousness during their travels, he said. That the meds had somehow messed with her head.

She believed some of it, but she knew he was hiding more. And if she was going to figure out his secrets, she needed to start with that study room he kept locked at all times.

“This is the last time I’m going over this, Arah,” he warned before taking another bite of his tuna.

“Can you blame me?” she retorted. “I don’t have the memories you have.”

“We’ve been under the same roof for half a year now,” he said pointedly, his knuckles white around his spoon. “What’s it going to take for you to trust me?”

“You’re not making it easy.” Her voice rose, frustration bubbling up. “You don’t talk to me. You hide things. You haven’t even done anything nice for me—” She paused, her breaths jagged. Her free hand clutched at her skirt as she went on, “And you expect me to submit like a mindless sheep?”

The tension was thick enough to cut. Her heart jumped as Gildeon pushed his chair back and stood, leaning over the table. Damp hair fell over his eyes—eyes that reminded her of a snake and something ancient she couldn’t quite place.

“Don’t make me force you to sleep in my bed, Arah,” he said in a low, ominous tone that made her skin tingle.

“You promised we’d have separate rooms until I’m ready,” she reminded him, her throat dry.

“I’ve granted you liberties.” A faint, predatory smile curled his lips. “I won’t be patient for long.”

As he walked away, she let out a shaky breath. Barky came up to her, rubbing his face against her leg as if to console her.

She smiled weakly. “Hey, I’m okay,” she reassured Barky, petting his head.

The sound of the door closing from Gildeon's study eased her chest. Her husband had never forced himself on her. Never. Except maybe for that other thing he made her do whenever he wanted to punish her.

But what was she supposed to do once he finally grew tired of waiting?

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