




“How have you been? Leo finally found you. He came to me a few years ago in search of you,” Callum said as we walked by the lake.

“I’ve been doing fine. How have you been? I heard my parents’ demise had been hard on you.”

He nodded. “Yes. They were very close friends of mine. Their deaths came as a shock, but I know it wasn’t a mistake. Someone did it intentionally. They had it planned.”

That was the opening I had been waiting for.

“What do you mean by that?”

“How did the fire start? Most importantly, why did the fire happen when the entire staff was on a break. Not a single person was on the property when they died. Someone planned it, and it was someone close to them. The person must have been working with someone on the inside.”

“Who do you think could’ve done it?”

“Fiore. It’s definitely him. He wasn’t happy about the way your father spent his money. Fi

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