

FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS , life settled into a normal pattern, or as normal as one could expect when you were a mobster's girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend. I had convinced myself that Fausto was my boyfriend, because that was preferable to the real situation, that I was his lover. Everyone knew the truth, however. The only person I was fooling was myself.

Most days, my inner lie worked. Everyone at the property treated me with kindness and respect. Everything I asked for was granted, and I felt like part of the family. The only person who didn't warm up to me was Marco, and I found that worrying, considering his closeness to Fausto. Marco's attitude remained polite but cold towards me. I told myself I didn't care, but the question of why sank under my skin like a splinter.

My classes were starting next week and I couldn't wait. I found a college with a good agriculture program that had online classes and, as promised, Fausto gave me the money in a trust and bought me a laptop. Meanwhile, o
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