

I’m some ways, sex with Niko last night felt like being together again for the first time. I look at him now sprawled on the bed, a hand thrown over my middle, his face peacefully in sleep, long lashes against his cheeks.

A push a strand of wavy hair from his forehead before moving back and out under his arm. I should let him sleep.

Last night must have been hard. I send up a quick prayer in thanks that he is here with me. With our children before crawling out of the bed. A wide smile pulls at my lips as I see the discarded clothes on the floor. Not like I needed that to remind me of what happened last night.

My body is all the reminder I need.

I still feel him deep inside me.

It was brilliant.


How I missed him.

I am so glad we’re together again. I pick up my bra and lace panties on the floor followed by my dress. “Definitely skipping my work out this morning” i murmured. in the bathroom, they go in the hamper and I relieve my bladder before brushing my teeth.

Smiling like a fo
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