



“Nikki, what are you doing here?” I ask, wondering who I have to maim for letting her into my office without permission.

The dark-haired woman stutters towards my desk in a red jumpsuit, a designer bag hanging off her arm.

“Sometimes a girl needs a little excitement in life, where else to find it than here in New York? We always have fun together, fighting, fucking, blowing shit up, a man like you has needs, so I thought why the hell not” she ends with a shrug.

I keep looking at her with an unamused expression because that’s all I feel at the moment, my wife is in a delicate condition right now which makes her vulnerable and emotional. Not like she’s able to control her emotions on a normal day, but these days it’s worse, just yesterday, she called me crying because she saw cute puppies on the internet. The time before that was baby shoes. I don’t want anything upsetting her, and Nikki being here will upset her greatly. She’s a jealous little thing, my wife, I can’t
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