

I'm shocked at the sudden movement. Prince lips brush against mine. They feel so soft and delicate, and his mouth smells like fresh mint gum.

He starts to move his lips, but I'm still star struck that I don't even know what I'm going to do. It tells how inexperienced I am.

"Open your mouth," he whispers against my lips.

What? My mind is still in cloud nine that I can't comprehend anything he says. Is this the kind of 'teaching that he meant before?

Naughty, naughty Prince.

But I comply anyway.

I give him access, and the next thing I know is that he shoves his tongue into my mouth. His tongue teases mine and explores the new territory, so slowly that it makes me almost moan. Almost.

Pull yourself together, Cheska. You don't want to embarrass yourself.

But he continues kissing me, and everything feels so good and sweet in my mouth. I don't think that I'll be able to hold my moan for a long time. I like it.

Fuck. I like my first kiss.

I close my eyes and kiss him back, trying to
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