

Sue's pov..............

Kai was leaving, he was leaving the mansion but why? What made him take this kind of decision.

Kiera stood up looking just as surprised as anyone else "You are leaving, but why?".

He frowned "Well am tired of staying in this mansion, am getting cooked up in here so am going out for some fresh air" When did Kai suddenly need fresh air? Something was definitely wrong here.

Jude nodded "Okay then but when are you going to be back?".

He shook his head "Am not coming back, am leaving for good". Leaving for good? What was he talking about, where was he going to.

Kiera shook her head "To where? we are not from around here Kai so where exactly are you headed? where will you stay".

"I don't know Kiera but am definitely not going to be staying here either".

She took a step forward "What brought up this decision Kai?".

He sighed "Nothing".

She frowned deeply "Don't give me that crap Kai" then she walked up to him and i could see that she was about to cry "You promised th
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