

Late in the evening when the workers had left for home, Allen walked out of his office. Bert was following from behind with his suitcase. He never stopped talking to Allen even though the cold man didn't give him any befitting reply.

When they got to the entrance, Allen's

phone rang. This made Bert stop talking and proceeded to the car after the door was opened by the security men. Allen had his Bluetooth device connected to his phone already and it was in his ear so he accepted the call by swiping.

"Hello, grandmother."

"How are you, Allen?"

"I am fine, grandmother. How are you doing?"

"I am equally good too. Jane and her friend came to visit me and we had fun. Goodness, your wife, and her friend are really something." She chuckled.

"I am glad to know that." Allen's face warmed up.

"Where are you?"

"I am about to leave for home."

"Can you stop by? I need to talk with you about

something very important."

"Yes, grandmother."

"Good. Don't be late."

Allen got into the car and
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