

I fall and fall and fall and I keep on falling and falling until my back hits the floor but I don’t feel any pain. I wasn’t hurt. I looked around and I knew I was in a different house. The house is simple. All the walls were painted white and there’s no picture frames hanging. Only a big wall clock and I can hear the ticking of it. I can hear the sound of it every time the hands of the wall clock move. I looked around again to find anything but I couldn't find anything. Except for the mini table with a flower at the center. The house is so plain and nothing special. I found a door and I tried to open it but I couldn’t open it. I heard voices talking at the open door at the corner. I went there to see who was there and I found a woman who is the same age as mine with a man who I think is the same age as Devon. They are watching T.V. with a boy sitting in between them which I think is eight years old. I watched with them when the movie suddenly changed and it became a pornographic video. The two kissed each other in front of the boy while the boy was silently watching them.

“Nanny,” The boy called. The woman is his nanny and I guess the man is the nanny’s boyfriend. 

“You want a nanny to do that to you?” The nanny sexually asked while pointing at the porn that they are watching. 

“I want milk” The boy innocently said

“Oh yes, honey, I will let your milk come out,” The nanny said in a very horny voice while touching the boy. The man beside the nanny is watching too and touching him. Suddenly I laughed.

“Please, don’t nanny because it hurts” The boy begged but his nanny didn’t listen to him. The man touched him too and that made the boy cry but instead of listening to the boy and stopping their evil acts. They continue doing what they are doing to the boy. 

“This house will be soon, ours,” The nanny said and drank from the bottle of liquor that she took from the table in front of her. She is now only wearing panties. No shirt, no bra, no anything just panty. She doesn’t care if the boy will see her. 

“We will kill your mom and dad and you will be evicted in this house,” She said which makes the boy cry more. 

“No,” He said while crying. Then the two evils laughed at him and mimicked him.

I went inside the room and I saw the boy without pants. His pants are on the floor while his legs are shaking because he is scared of the two evil who is sitting beside him. There's cocaine on the table too and they are both high from the cocaine while watching t.v. It doesn’t matter for them if the boy is in front of the nasty video that they are watching. They are corrupting the boy’s innocence and sexually abusing him.

“Good thing that your mom and dad are working overnight. So that we can have a party all night!” She screamed and drank again from the bottle that she was holding. As if she owns the house.

“Come on, baby,” The man said and pulled the nanny close to him and kissed him in front of the boy. I saw the boy pee on his pants and the nanny screamed at him and slapped his face. I closed my eyes because I felt hurt for the child and I heard the nanny say...

“You, nasty boy,” She said and wiped the pee with the boy’s pants and threw the pants on his face. I felt pity for the boy and I tried to tap his shoulder even though I know that I can’t tap him. I want to let him know that I am here but I can’t. If only I could help him. How I wish I could help him but I am only here to watch what happened to them and why they can’t rest in peace.

I saw the nanny and her boyfriend make love in front of him and pull him and force him to join. The boy keeps crying but they don’t care. They continue sexually abusing him and they don’t care as long as they are enjoying themselves. The poor boy is so hopeless and scared. 

“Mommy,” The boy cried. Calling for his mommy. Hoping that she would come and save him.

“Your mommy ain’t gonna help you” The nanny teased while her boyfriend was sucking her breast.

The boy looked at me as if he could see me. I saw tears and pain in his eyes and I felt pity on him and I don’t want to see what is next. That is why I closed my eyes and I felt a current pulling me again and again. I fell into the big black hole and when I opened my eyes. I am already inside the cabinet with the boy and this time I can see him closer and he is still crying but he is already wearing his pants and wearing different clothes. 

“Where is the kitten?” I heard a voice from outside and I know it is his nanny’s voice with her boyfriend.

“Please, don’t hurt my son” The mother begged but the nanny just laughed and continued looking for the boy.

“I know where are you hiding,” The nanny said

“Veronica, stop, please… I will give you whatever you want just please don’t hurt my child” The mother begged Veronica who is holding a gun and high from cocaine. 

“Well then, give me back this house that you stole from my father,” She said

“You’re Ferdinand’s daughter?” The mother asked in surprise. 

“Uh-hu,” Veronica said.

“And you were surprised because you didn’t know that I would mess your life?” Veronica asked and she laughed again.

“Ei, baby” Her boyfriend called her.

“I already found the title of this house,” He said while holding a piece of paper and he gave it to Veronica. 

“Find the child and let's kill them” Veronica commanded while looking at the paper that she was holding, making sure that she had the right paper that she needed, while her boyfriend followed her without hesitation. 

I feel suddenly scared even though I know that they can’t see me. I feel like they will kill me too and I feel pity for the boy who is crying beside me. Praying for the bad people to go away. When the cabinet suddenly opened and the boy screamed.

“BOO!” The man said and laughed. He grabs the boy on his arm and the boy screams. 

“Olson!” The mother shouted and called her child’s name when she heard him scream and Olson was his name. I tried to grab his hand to save him but I couldn't grab him or even touch him. I immediately went out of the cabinet and followed them. The boyfriend is carrying Olson while Olson keeps on crying and resisting him. 

“Put him down, Jake” Veronica commanded her boyfriend and Jake put Olson down beside his mother. I saw Veronica holding a gun while Olson and his mother were kneeling on the floor with their heads down. I saw their dad lying dead on the floor. It is so traumatic for Olson to see his dad and his mom in that situation and this is a traumatic experience for him. Veronica points the gun to his mom and starts counting with a smile. 

“1,2,3” And then she shot the mother beside the son on her head. Olson saw clearly what happened. Her mother’s blood splashed on his face and I saw his eyes open wide without any emotion and I knew that day another cold-blooded monster was born.

“It is painful to see your parents die in front of you,” Veronica told Olson and Olson looked at her face to face without any tears or fear. 

“That is what I felt when I saw my dad kill himself in front of me… because of your parents” She added and she pointed the gun to Olson and she whispered with a smile “Your next” I closed my eyes because I don’t want to see her shoot Olson but the door suddenly opens and it is the police. 

Veronica still shot Olson but luckily she only shot Olson’s back and the police shot her and her boyfriend and at that moment I knew Olson was already safe but the monster’s inside of him was already awake. I saw one of the police officers is the girl’s father and he rescued Olson. 

The current pulled me again and I opened my eyes in a different house. I looked around and I realized that I am back to the first house and Olson is living there now with the police who helped him and his wife. They adopted Olson and they named him Kevin. They changed his name from Olson to Kevin. To start his new life with his new family because they can’t have their own child. Kevin is a sad boy though he is smiling you can see on his face that he is not complete and on his eyes that he is empty. He is like a dead boy; living.

Years passed and the wife got pregnant unexpectedly and it was a baby girl. That made them so happy because for them they are already complete. They have a boy and now the baby girl is coming and it all started from there. 

I closed my eyes again when I felt the current pull me again. This time it is stronger and heavier than the first two and I feel like I can’t breathe. I keep on falling and falling and falling. Until the fall stops and when I open my eyes and I am back. I saw Devon sitting beside me while Luna sat in front of me. They are both staring at me. I tried to stand but the other me left sitting on the floor. I immediately went near myself but it was not moving. I tried to touch Devon but I couldn't touch him. I also tried to touch Luna but I couldn't touch her either. I saw them watching me. Luna is holding a pen and a paper waiting for what I will say next.

“No!” I screamed.

I don’t know what to do and I am starting to panic. What if I can’t go back to my body anymore? I am not ready. Please don’t. I tried to touch Devon again but I couldn't really touch him. Same with Luna. How can I go back? I saw the mirror was gone and the crystals too. Means I am not protected anymore and the door is gone. So there’s a possibility that I will be stuck here. I ran to the door but I couldn't open it because I couldn't even touch the doorknob. I suddenly heard the voice whispering in my ears again…

“I can’t take this”

“I can’t take this”

“I can’t take this” and “Join us”

“Join us”

“Join us” 

“I can’t take this” 

“Join us”

I covered my ears and collapsed on the floor when I opened my eyes. I am back. Luna immediately turned the mirror down away from me and she looked at me. Trying to check if I am really back from my senses.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked me. I looked around just to make sure that I am really back and awake. The mirror in front of me is there. The crystals are still around me, I can smell the incense and feel the heat coming from the burning candle and I can touch them now and I can feel their touch too.

“Yes,” I answered while I tasted the salt on my lips. She put salt on my lips for me to come back to my senses. Devon hugged me and I hugged him back. I am glad that they didn’t leave me. Luna gave me a glass of water because she knows that I am very thirsty and I immediately drink the water because I am really thirsty. I feel like my throat is burning dry.I feel like I am back from a long trip that makes me tired and sleepy. 

“I know what happened to them but it is not complete,” I said while holding the glass and recalling everything I saw.

“Olson is Kevin… the couple adopted him because they think that they can’t have a child on their own but after a year the woman became pregnant and she bore a baby girl” I started while still trying to recall everything.

“Kevin is a victim of abused and he became abusive too… sexual abuse in particular and he is the one raping the girl…---” I looked at them and I found them listening.

“But I didn't know the girl’s name yet,” I added.

“It’s alright… we can research about her,” Devon said. When we don’t have anything to say. I saw Luna yawn because it is already past 10 p.m. and said

“That’s enough for tonight… I guess” 

I nodded. 

“Thank you” I whispered to her.

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