

"Ethan, come with me," I urged, pulling him along. We both struggled to keep moving as he leaned heavily on my shoulder. At that moment, I was grateful for my morning exercise routine.

We finally made it to the car, and I drove to my apartment. I didn't have access to his place and couldn't ensure his safety there.

"Ethan, are you listening to me?" I asked, glancing over to see if he had passed out.


"Good. We're almost at my place. You need to rest."

"Are you going to make my favorite pasta for me?" he mumbled, giving me a puppy-eyed look.

I chuckled, amazed at how cute he could be even when drunk. How could Stella hurt someone like Ethan? The thought of her made my stomach churn. She was still a problem I had to deal with.

In less than seven minutes, we reached my apartment. The bar wasn't far, and I might have driven faster than usual. Once inside, I switched on the light and guided Ethan to my room.

"Stay here, Ethan," I said, gently laying him on the bed. He was conscious but too drunk to move.

"Let me help with your shoes," I said, pulling them off.

"Umm, comfy. The trousers too," he murmured.

I chuckled. "Let's start with your shirt."

As I unbuttoned his shirt, Ethan suddenly grabbed my wrist. I looked up, startled. His eyes, though glassy, held an intensity that caught me off guard. He pulled me closer, his other hand cupping my cheek, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

For a moment, I was too stunned to react. His kiss was warm and insistent, a mix of desperation and longing. But reality quickly snapped back. I pulled away, breathless and flustered.

"Ethan, you’re drunk," I said gently, trying to steady my racing heart. "You need to rest."

He looked at me, his expression confused and vulnerable. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"It's okay," I assured him, smoothing back his hair. "Just rest. I'll make you some tea."

I hurried to the kitchen, my mind racing. My heart was still pounding from the unexpected kiss. I filled the kettle with water, trying to focus on the task at hand. As I waited for the water to boil, I couldn't help but replay the moment in my head. The intensity in his eyes, the warmth of his touch—it was all too much and yet, not enough.

Once the tea was ready, I returned to the bedroom. Ethan was still lying there, his shirt half-open, his eyes closed but not quite asleep. I set the tea on the bedside table and sat down next to him.

"Ethan, I've got some tea for you," I said softly, touching his arm.

He opened his eyes slowly, looking up at me with a sleepy smile. "Thanks," he murmured.

I helped him sit up and handed him the cup. He sipped it gratefully, his hands trembling slightly.

"How do you feel?" I asked, watching him closely.

"A little better," he admitted. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"That's what friends are for," I replied, smiling.

He reached out and took my hand, squeezing it gently. "I want to be more than friends with you, Lizzy. I want you to be mine. I can't afford to lose both Stella and you."

My body went stiff, shocked by his words hanging heavy in the air. "Ethan, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying."

"Please, Lizzy," he whispered, staring deep into my eyes. "I know I’m drunk, but I’m not lying. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long. Losing Stella hurt, but the thought of losing you... it terrifies me."

His eyes were earnest, filled with a vulnerability that pierced my heart. My mind knew this was too sudden and wrong, but my long-time feelings for him overpowered my logic. I leaned closer, feeling his breath on my face, and placed my lips on his.

The kiss was tender at first, his breath pulsating against mine as we both landed on the bed. The passion between us ignited, our hands roaming, our lips seeking. Every touch, every caress, felt like an affirmation of the connection we had always shared but never acknowledged.

The night unfolded in a blend of whispers and soft moans. We moved together, our bodies intertwining in a dance of newfound intimacy with only the sheets and dimmed light as witnesses to our lovemaking. Each touch was filled with unspoken desires, every kiss a promise. It was as if we had reconnected on a deeper level, forming an unbreakable bond.

"Lizzy," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. "I’ve always loved you."

"I love you too, Ethan," I whispered back, my heart swelling with joy. This had always been what I wanted, Ethan becoming mine. It felt surreal and I wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

We lay there, skin against skin, breathing in the warmth of each other. The room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in a world of our own.

When the morning light began to filter through the curtains, we were still wrapped in each other’s arms. I looked at Ethan, his face peaceful in sleep, and felt a sense of rightness. Whatever challenges lay ahead, I knew we would face them together. The bond we had formed was something precious, something I was willing to fight for.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn’t help but smile, feeling a deep sense of contentment. For the first time in a long while, everything felt just right.

My phone buzzed loudly, cutting through the quiet. I quickly grabbed it, hoping not to wake Ethan. It was Maltida, my best friend.

"Hey," I whispered into the phone.

"Lizzy, where are you? I've been trying to reach you all night!" Maltida's voice was urgent, and filled with worry.

"I'm home. Sorry, it's been a crazy night. I'll explain later."

"Can I come over?" she asked, her tone shifting to something I couldn't quite place.

"No!" I said, my voice louder than usual.

"What are you hiding from me girl." I could feel the inquisitiveness in her words.

"Spill, I'm waiting Lizzy."

"Okay okay, Ethan is over here and not in his best state. He would feel awkward having you around." I finally let out.

"Girllll" Maltida gasped could be heard loudly on the phone. "You have got a whole lot of explanation to do."

"So, why did you call this late?" I asked, trying to divert the attention from Ethan.

"Your sister Alicia. She's back.

"Yeah, I know." I frowned at the thought of Alicia. I and Alicia had never been on good terms. She was grandma's favorite and i was not. I was always made to bend to her demands right from childhood. Even when it rightfully belonged to me, but she wanted it, i had to let go.

"Well, She's back and I heard she's aiming for the same position as you."

I was unfazed at the revelation, it was no news to me, this must have been a reason for her return. Hearing Dad was planning to retire and I had the possibility of being the next chairperson must have gotten to her. I was baffled by why she wanted to go into the mining sector when she majored in art.

"That's her problem, may the best man win. Moreover, she doesn't stand a chance." I bragged.

"That's not all sweetheart, Stella has been spreading rumors about Ethan."

"My heart raced as I pressed her for details. "What exactly did Stella say?"

Maltida's voice was laced with concern. "She called off the wedding because Ethan has been cheating on her and when she confronted him, Ethan got into a fight with her at the bar and threatened her. She sounded terrified, Lizzy."

I felt a surge of disbelief. "That's impossible. He was with me the whole time. He was drunk, but not violent." I tried to process the accusation, but it didn't add up. Ethan's gentle touch still lingered on my skin, and I knew he wasn't capable of such behavior."

"Just be careful, okay? I don't trust Stella. She might try something."

"I will. Thanks, Tilda."

I hung up, my mind racing. I turned to look at Ethan, still asleep but starting to stir. What was Stella up to? And why would she make such accusations?

"Ethan," I said softly, shaking him gently. "Wake up."

He opened his eyes, confusion flickering across his face. "What is it?"

"We need to talk."

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