


I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar room. My head was throbbing with a headache, and I tried to get up. I felt a strain in my hand, and when I looked down, I saw that I was tied.

I tried to recall what happened last night. Wigan had been pestering me, and when I tried to leave, he became aggressive. I slapped him angrily, and he left in anger. Feeling constipated, I decided to go home immediately. I called Juliana and told her about Wigan's pestering, blaming her for bringing me to this party.

She laughed and said I was feeling nervous, instructing me to go home. She would return in the morning. On my way home, my car was double-crossed on the road, and armed men in black masks forced me into their cars. A substance was forced inside my nose, and I became unconscious.

That was all I remembered. These men must have brought me to this room. But why would they kidnap me, or rather, who asked them to kidnap me?

Just as I wa

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