


I got out of my car immediately, leaving Nina still in the car. She just kept saying weird things about how annoying I am and how of a bad boy I am. She don't know me, she knows nothing about me.

Why do everyone calls me that like I'm a monster. Okay fine, I'm not that good of a guy but they act like they know what I do to girls like they were the one it happened to. Like what she said. 

She said I go around, teasing girls and making them fall in love with me and then I sleep with them before breaking their heart. She doesn't know me.

"Welcome back, sir" Chris greeted.

"Hey Chris" I replied. I walked straight upstairs to my room. I don't have time for all this. As soon as I entered my room, I knew my afternoon mango juice with ice cubes will be waiting for me. 

I grab the bottles and turn the liquid into the glass cup, I put in some ice cubes and wait for it to dissolve. I took a sip. 

Mom always does it for me, always in the afternoon after school, she won't let me eat before I had some. I smiled as I remembered my parents. I quickly grab my phone and dialed Thomas number. Thomas is my father's tech guy. 

"Hey Tom" I said.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" He asked. 

"Anything about the footage from that meeting?" I asked. He sigh on the phone.

"Negative. But I am downloading all the files of five years ago. I'll keep checking on the footages and also deleted once cause they were backed up to the cloud, so that won't be a problem. 

I took in a deep breath. "Thanks man, I owe you one" I said before we bid goodbye and hang up. I decided it was time to find out who did this. The police covered up the case since there was no proof. I want to do my own private investigation. My mom and dad must rest in peace.

I finished my juice. I strip from my shirt and trouser before getting on the bed and pull the comforter over me. This is my safe place. 


"So, he didn't like..... fuck you in the dream?" Katie asked. Honestly, I hate being in her house, she asks weird questions all the time which makes me wanna just walk out.

"No, and what are you even talking about?" I shake my head in confusion. She sighs. We were both on her bed as we talk about stuff. "Is Caleb home?" I asked. Her body immediately jerk up.

"I don't know and I don't care....." She chuckles, getting out of the bed and walking towards her makeup kit and grabbing an eyeliner and rubbing it on her lip like a lipgloss. 

"That's...." I trailed off when she realized what she did. She grabs a wipe and clean her lips. "I think I should go, Katie. I'm really exhausted" I got off the bed immediately and grab my backpack. 

"Oh yeah, I'll see you out" she smiles. We both walked out of her room and head downstairs. I exit the house and she bid me goodbye. I noticed Caleb's car driving in. That's weird. Why is it when I'm leaving.

I head out of the gate and call a taxi. Why do I feel like I should just go to's weird, I just want to see how Quincy's house looks like. It must be the most beautiful thing.

But I choose against it so I just went straight home to my overprotector. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to your friend's house?" That was the first thing Ethan ask as soon as I entered the house.

I sigh. "Ethan, you know I'm sixteen, right?" I asked. He narrows his eyes. "I didn't mean to say you should leave me alone. But I'm not a baby anymore. I'm grown up and I wanna have fun with my friends and......." I trailed off as he turns around and walk towards the kitchen.

He has always been like that ever since we were little. He's trying to let you know that he was offended. I sigh. It's probably the wrong time to apologize so I just head upstairs to my room. 

I strip out of my clothes and put them in the laundry basket. I opened my walk-in closet and picked a black short and a baggy shirt. I wore them and fall to the bed. I grab my phone and check my I*******m.

First person to pop up is Quincy, as usual. He had posted his pet cat. He got almost six hundred thousand likes. He's so cool. I always make sure not to like his pic so that he won't suspect anything.

He's very smart too so it'll be easy for him to notice. I scrolled up some more, Nina posted a room and commented 'My room for a while' on her post. Omg! It's that his house. She's so lucky. 

I quickly call her line on facetime. "What's up" she answered. I look closely to see how the house looks. 

"It's Quincy there?" I whisper. She rolled her eyes.

"Girl, stop with the Quincy shit. He's not here, I've barely seen him ever since he brought me here" she sighed. "I'm starting to think he's an introvert or he doesn't just like me" she frown.

"Did you say anything to him?" I asked. She looks away from me. She's done something. "Nina"

"I might have called him bad news" she bit her lip. I frown.

"Nina, why would you do that?" I asked.

"But it's true, I thought he knew that. Everyone in school knows that. Do you even know his body count. He may have a disease or infection" she whispers that part out.

"You know nothing about him" I shake my head in disappointment. She sighs guiltily.

"Look, trust me when I say he's a shit whole dick who only mess around with girls. Don't be a victim of one of his tricks." She said worriedly. 

"Nina, I don't like-like him. I'm just a fan of him, you know......just chillin' with it" I gave her a fake nonchalant cool expression which made her scruch nose irritatedly.

"I'm.... hanging up now" and then she hung up. A knock snapped me out if my trance. Thank goodness I turned on soundproof.

"It's time for dinner, get down now" he said before walking off. He's still upset. I got off bed and walk out of my room and head down stairs. 

I move straight to the kitchen where I can smell the sweet aroma of fried rice. I entered and as expected, it was fried rice and chicken. I sat down on the stool. 

"Are you still upset with me?" I asked. He looks at me. He shakes his head. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt. You're the most special person in my life and it hurts me to see you hurting" he spoke his feelings out. "And I know you're not a kid anymore but there are a lot of things you don't know about some people" he said. I nod my head.

"I get it. I'll be careful, I promise" I said. He nods. I'm such a bad person. I'm making him trust me when I can't even trust myself. I feel really bad. 

He smiles. "Thanks, I trust you so much" he laugh. We started eating dinner and honestly, I lost my appetite but force myself to eat it cause he worked hard to make it and also the food is really delicious. 

When we where done, we wash the dishes. "Dinner was great" I complimente. Ethan have always practice his cooking. He would waste all the ingredients in the house just to learn how to make a meal.

It was so tiring but he got the hang of it, and now, I'm sure he's a chef. "Thanks" he replied. "Wanna watch a series it's called xo kitty, it's really dope" he smiles. I nod my head. 

We both watched the series till the last episode since it was short. Ethan fell asleep when we were watching the last episode. I think it's time for bed. I was going to wake him up but I stopped as soon as his phone starts to ring. 

I didn't stop because it was ringing, but because it was Quincy calling. He actually stored his contact as 'My lovely best friend' awww. 

I grab the phone, staring at the screen. Should I pick it. No! That won't be nice. But it's ringing. I grab the phone and without thinking, I picked the call. 

"Hey Quincy" I said lowly. 

"Issy" he replied. 

"Uhmm..... Ethan fell asleep" I bit my lip"

"Oh. But why did you pick the call?" He asked. What do I say. I want to hear your voice? No! That's a big stupidity. 

"Well, I just..... want you to know" I said. 

"So...watcha doing right now sweetie?" He asked. Did he just call me sweetie or am I not hearing properly?

"Uhmm, I just finished a whole series and I w-wanted to go to bed" I said. He hums. Honestly, that sounded good.

"Okay, goodnight then-" 

"No! I.....don't feel sleepy anymore" I blurted out. He didn't say anything again. But then I heard a chuckle.

"Are you okay, Issy. Is there anything you would want to tell me?" He asked. I can't tell him anything, I have to think about what Ethan always say to me. I can't trust Quincy. 

"No....." I replied sadly, and it was obvious to me that I sounded sad. "It's nothing. Good night, Quincy" I said before hanging up the call. 

I sigh. I got up from the couch, waking Ethan up. He groan and clean his eyes.

"Go up and sleep" I said. He sigh, getting up and grabbing his phone before heading upstairs. 

"Make sure you turn off the TV" he whines before heading to his room. I sigh before turning off the TV. I look around before turning off the light then heading upstairs. 

I opened my door and climb on top of my bed. Why did I pick that call. I'm so stupid. I'm always curious. I wanted to hear his sweet voice. But why? Oh, I'm 

Keep lying to yourself.

My subconscious was speaking but I swear I don't understand. It's not like I like-like him or anything. He's just my brother's best friend.

Or your love's best friend is your brother. It says again. I groan in frustration. It's okay Isabella, it's all good. No need to worry yourself, okay? It's just Quincy.

And his cute-handsome face that always makes me go crazy. His scent always leaves a trail of goosebumps on my body. And I'm totally going crazy.

I cover my face on the pillow and scream out in annoyance. Could it be that I'm starting to fall for him. No! I can't afford to love him when my brother and friends had warned me about him. 

I'm not going to break that trust. I can't be in love with Quincy. Not him from all people. I'm gonna sleep and wake up as if I didn't just pictured myself loving Quincy.

But then, I couldn't sleep, it's been a while now. I checked the time and it was four minutes passed three but I couldn't close my eyes. Maybe I should just use the opportunity to study.

I grab my bag pack and pulled out my books. I'll be lying if I said anything something got into my brain. I kept on thinking about him, his body, his six packs, his perfect face that makes want to go mad...... Isabella, what's going on with you. It can't be happening right, I can't be falling for my brother's best friend. Omg this can't be happening.

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