


y spine tingles and jumps and I nearly reel from the shock of hearing his voice.

Not only do I plaster myself against the wall, but my whole body also hums to life. From my stuttering intakes of air to the curling of my toes in my white sneakers and all the way to my heaving chest. My nipples tighten and so does my pussy.

It is just a voice, damn it, a voice among billions of others; however, it is not merely any voice. It is his voice. The man I am not supposed to be crushing on, because it is a form of dependency.

It is not healthy.

And Dad will kill him when he finds out about this.

But all those thoughts blur in the background, all those do not matter, because what I am feeling is healthy in my mind, and Dad is not here. He still does not want to wake up, so I’ll think about everything else when he does.

Right now, there is only Dan’s voice and me, his stern voice that I can recognize the anger in. There is a slight vibration in it, so even though it sounds calm, I know
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