
Ch0005: Mates!


I looked at the beautiful reflection in mirror and all I could see beneath the layers of makeup was my pale face.

My fingers held unto the edges of the most gorgeous dress I've ever worn since I came to this pack anxiously.

Today is this the day I'm supposed to be given away in a loveless alliance to as a chosen mate to an alpha I've never met before and I dreaded it.


The door opened and aunt Elisa stepped in. She had this kind smile that made me sick.

"You look so beautiful. He's here."

I swallowed but was worried about someone else. "Aunt, Mateo..."

"Shh... He's fine. Natalia is handling him and he'll stay put till the agreement process is over. You can take your little bastard with you."

I nodded and sat back quietly. For a minute, I wanted to hold her hand and ask, 'Aunt, when my parents passed away, didn't you promise to take care of me? Why give me away now like I'm worthless?'

But I decided against it. Aunt Elisa might have asked the maids to cover up my bruises, injuries and scars. It doesn't mean she can't inflict new ones.

So I sat in agonizing silence till a maid knocked on the door. "Miss Sapphira, master demands your presence."

I took a deep breath and stood. Aunt held my arm and led me out like a loving mother. My teeth were gritted as I was led into the dining room where the guests await my presence.

I kept my head lowered as we inched closer. However, a sweet, intoxicating scent suddenly assails my nose.

My body trembled with tingles and I could feel my usually timid wolf, Saskia pace around in my head excitedly.

What's happening? I have never felt this way before. I thought as we walked into the dining room. The scent only got stronger almost making me dizzy.

"Here she comes," I barely had time to register the unusual nervousness in my uncle's voice as he announced my arrival.

I looked up and my eyes darted around the unfamiliar faces till I locked eyes with a particular person.

His electrifying blue eyes bored into mine making me tremble at the coldness in them. My eyes widened slightly in realization as Saskia chanted,

'Mate! Our mate!'



I was so pissed off I wanted to blow off the brains of the stupid, old omega right there in his study room.

We had an agreement. I get to marry his daughter in exchange for some lands and other assets. But I get here with all my family members only for him to inform me that the agreement has to be altered.

Instead of his daughter, I will be getting his niece instead who is a better choice only that she already has a child.

What the heck? Nineteen with a few months old baby. What does he take me for? Even if I'm sterile, I am still an alpha and I have my pride.

Does he think I'm someone he can just dump his second hand niece on?

If it wasn't for father, I know what I could have done. Finally, based on father's persuasion of how much it would be a shame to return to my pack without my supposed chosen mate, I agreed to meet her once.

If after our interactions and I still don't like her, we'll break off the agreement and Marcelo has to compensate for my loss.

I begrudgingly agreed to this and wanted to get it over with so I could leave this godforsaken place.

I just didn't expect that after some minutes of waiting for the supposed niece in their dining room, the most luscious scent I'd ever smelt would waft into the room.

I briefly wondered who was baking or cooking as I definitely wouldn't be staying here long enough to taste anything. That was when she walked in.

Raf jolted in my head and panted with excitement. It took the strongest will in me to hold him back from bursting out.

'Mate... Our mate. Rafael, that's our mate.'

I was stunned. I focused on her just in time to meet her eyes and I realized the scent had gotten stronger and it was from her.

'Mate?' I asked in disbelief and Raf growled in annoyance at my slow understanding.

I didn't know what to think. How could the moon goddess play tricks on me like this?

I came to Dark Moon pack with the purpose of choosing a mate rather to avoid settling with my own fated mate and subjecting to the pain of our bond.

But the moon goddess... She really led me into the hands of my fated mate.

My eyes were fixated on the red haired woman standing across me and I suddenly thought of something.

'She already has a child...'

My eyes filled with coldness. All these years I've been compelled to abstain from sexual relations, she couldn't keep herself for me.

Just how little did she regard our mate bond.

'I thought you always said you didn't want her,' Raf mocked; he didn't seem upset at the thought of her already been tainted and having a child for someone else like me.

"Alpha Rafael, this is my niece, Sapphira."

'Her name is so beautiful. Just like her,' Raf drooled; a complete contrast to the scowl on my face.

"Hmm," I gave a curt nod and Marcelo looked more nervous as he knows what's at stake. Good for him.

"Then let's leave the young people to discuss," My father laughed so harmoniously and slyly gave others a cue to leave the room.

"Bro, she's beautiful. You've got a good one this time. I have no objections towards this sister-in-law," Roberto leaned in and nudged me before they turned to leave.

"There is no need for that. Let's finalize the agreement right here... Right now," My words stopped them.

Marcelo looked at me with confusion and I growled, "I have other important things to attend to."

A smile outstretched his sinister face as he realized what I meant. "Of course... Of course. I won't dare delay the alpha."

"I didn't expect you'll take one look at her and have a change of heart," Ricardo whispered with an amused smile which I didn't find funny.

They have not the slightest ideas of my thoughts.

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