
Chapter 46


Time of escape.

Lucia told the driver to take another direction that would lead to another street .

The driver obeyed and quickly diverted but he was smart enough to follow them .

Lucia cussed him under her breath . Today was t her day really as she had claimed .

" Driver you see that car following us , I want you to turn him around till doesn't get a glimpse of us again " she said and the driver nodded .

" But ma it's an increase in your bills you know" he said.

" Just drive " she almost snapped but tried to stay cool.

The driver being familiar with the road , he sped off taking a turn which has four juncture .

He room a round before taking the straight road and sped off.

Tony banged his fist hard on the steering wheel on the realization that he had missed her .


He was sure going to get her because he admired her and wants to get to know more about her .

Be reversed and rode through the way be had come . Lucia heaved a sigh of relief on seeing they had outrun him.

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