
Book 2 - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 – The Queen Stands

‘Oh god, Hope! Where are you?!’ Solene’s mind cried out as she undid the last remaining buttons, unclasped her brassiere and displayed her breasts as he commanded.

Caym leaned down to capture one full breast. He slowly massaged it and pressed her nipple with his thumb.

Solene let out a strangled moan. She abhorred his hands on her. She cursed how his fingers explored every inch of her breasts. She hated the way she was underneath him. This should have been her husband. This should have been Henri exploring intimacy with her.

Painstakingly, she prohibited her tears from pooling in her eyes. She refused to look vulnerable and unstable in front of this demon. She refused to be weak in front of him.

Caym stuck out his tongue and encircled her nipple. Solene felt grossed out with the way it wetted her skin. It didn’t evoke the same feeling of wonder when Henri did this to her.<

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goodnovel comment avatar
Giamaria C. Isgett
Amazing!! I cannot get enough of Solene!

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