

Hey there, fabulous readers!

Exciting news – I'm penning my inaugural "Author's Note" for this book. Why now? Well, because I just stumbled upon this sneaky little button in the corner, inviting me to add more notes. I swear, I've been as blind as a bat!

But can you really blame me? I'm more like a copy-paste person.

But enough about my technological misadventures, let's talk about you guys.

Firstly, I owe you a big, bold APOLOGY (yes, all caps!) for my lack of replies to your comments. Blame it on my trashy phone and its trashier touch. Typing on that thing is like wrestling an octopus. But fear not, I do catch glimpses of your lovely comments whenever I can, and they make me grin like a Cheshire cat.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for diving into my work with such gusto. Your presence here means the world to me. I've got mad respect for each and every one of you.

Secondly, I would like to mention that, yes, I know I have messed up a few details in the book. For example, the color of Simon's eyes. Trust me, I saw that the instant it happened. Even when I was posting those chapters, I knew I should have re-read them. But I was so excited to share the story with you and bring you the regular updates that I was like, okay, well, it can't be that bad.

But it was. And damn, some of them even made me cry.

For example, how Danis became Derek over the chapters. In my defense, I have no clue how, when, and why that happened. I named the guy Danis but the creative part of my brain decided that Derek suited him better.

I appreciate your patience and understanding as I work through these mistakes. It's a learning process for me too, and your feedback helps me grow as a writer.

Last but not least, I would like to make two requests to you guys:

1. Please vote with gems to show your support for my work and,

2. Please write some reviews for the book so the new readers can know what to expect when they land on my book for the first time.

Thank you once again for being such incredible supporters of my writing journey. Your presence, encouragement, and feedback mean everything to me.

With immense gratitude and excitement,

Diti Koshy

[Penned on: 1st June 2024]

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