
| 45 | Family Comes First

[ S E R A P H I N E ]

“Why didn't you just tell me?” I stare at him, internally reminding myself to keep calm. My heart feels like it's gonna implode if I don't get this off my chest now.

I just don't know how else to broach the subject that's been hovering like a heavy cloud between us. How to confront him about his impulsive decisions. If I don't demand answers and explanations right now, we'll just end up sweeping things under the rug. I can't just swallow my pride and say yes to everything he says if my life and my family's safety could be at risk.

“I mean, I'm not saying get down on your knee and actually propose to me. But, put yourself in my shoes.” I hold my breath, steeling myself for what he's about to say. “How would you feel if I did all that without even asking if you're okay with any of it?”

“You feel like I'm forcing you into this?” Dominico slowly gets up from the couch, his voice soft and steady, his gaze searching mine with a mix of concern and curiosity.

I scoff
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