


“Your friend kicked him in the balls so badly, he couldn’t rape her, though she said it was his plan. He beat her after that, and at some point she lost consciousness. That’s all she remembered. He told her he was going to kill her and she thought it was over.”

Poor Maria. She was all alone and had to be so scared. Knowing her, she was relieved I wasn’t there and he couldn’t hurt me. We’d waited for the revenge for so long and he hadn’t struck until we’d let our guard down.

Matteo was a sick bastard.

“What will happen to him?” I asked, wanting it to be so horrible people would hear his screams for miles.

“No one knows. His entire crew has been removed from the school. They won’t be returning.”

“So, he’ll be a rumor from here on out.”

“Not if I can help it. Being permanently expelled is too good for him.”

I was okay that San wouldn’t get a chance for revenge. Just the word made me sick to my stomach. He tipped my chin up.

“You’re mine,” he said softly. “Neither your father nor mine
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