


Dominic sat in his office, the weight of the past days pressing heavily on his shoulders. The early morning light seeped through the blinds, casting long shadows across the room. He hadn’t slept much, his mind consumed by thoughts of Evelyn and the desperate need to find her.

The door creaked open, and Alex stepped inside, his expression a mix of urgency and relief.

“Dominic, we’ve got something,”

he said, holding a stack of printed images.

“The building’s security cameras caught Evelyn running out. She crashed into a car.”

Dominic’s heart sank as he took the photos from Alex’s hand. His eyes scanned the images, his breath catching in his throat when he saw her.

Evelyn, in a hoodie, looking frantic as she sprinted out of the building. The next frame showed her colliding with a car, the driver’s shocked expression clear even in the grainy footage.

Seeing her so vulnerable, so desperate, twisted his heart in ways he hadn’t expected.


he whispered, his
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