
Chapter 60 — Pretty Little Wifey


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I slowly walked over to Allegra and held her chin between my forefinger and thumb, Turning her head to the side to see the damage that had been afflicted on my wife.

Her pale cheek was now red and a single tear slid down that cheek.

I've always seen people losing their minds in anger, but never quite understood until now. Even whenever I was at my peak of rage, I was able to keep my composure. But at this very moment, I couldn't even guarantee that I could control my actions.

She's a woman...

She's a woman...

She's my wife's mother...

She's a woman...

Fuck, she is a fucking woman...

The next second, Allegra's hands clasped my arm, her nails digging into my forearm. She knew... it was surprising, it had only been a month since we got married but she knew that I was about to lose it.

"I'm fine..." she whispered, looking into my eyes.

I smiled at her, she wasn't. She wasn't fucking fine. She had her handprint on her delicate cheek. She was already hurt from last nigh
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Comments (16)
goodnovel comment avatar
It’s a good thing scotts making an effort for his wife
goodnovel comment avatar
Loveeeeeddd it. Author you made me soo happy with this chapter. Standing ovation for you author!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Can we get an earlier update time today, please

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