
Chapter 51

We gathered in the dining room. Damian and grandma, on the other hand, are in their room sleeping. Ollie was lying on the floor beside my feet. Mom introduced us after placing some drinks and pastries on the dining table.

The man’s name was Leandro Jilani. Apparently, he was our new neighbor. He transferred here a couple of weeks ago.

“How long are you going to stay here, sweetie?” Mom asked. She was sitting on the head of the table while Leandro and I were on each of her sides.

I shrug in response. “Probably for a long time… indefinitely.”

“What do you mean?” She leaned in a little bit more towards me, wearing a curious frown.

“I resigned.” I answered nonchalantly while staring at the pastries blankly. I was kind of guilty for doing that since I obviously took away their source of income. I wanted to return the huge money Cara sent to me but I don’t know how to. I finally decided to use it as my back up. Though I no longer have a regular job, I still do have my freelancing. I will f
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