

Alisha watched as Alice brought the ice cream closer to her lips, the melted cream dripping from his hand, staining both their clothes.

“Thanks. I can eat myself,” Alisha said, reaching for the ice cream.

“Your hand will get dirty, Angel. Just eat, or else I am going to eat it,” Alice teased, daring her to touch his hand.

“Okay, as you wish,” Alisha agreed, not wanting to forfeit the ice cream. She took her lips to the treat, savouring the cold sweetness as she licked and took small bites.

Alice observed her actions, her hair falling freely over her face. With a gentle touch, he brushed her hair back, holding it back, allowing her to eat comfortably.

“Eat. Don't worry,” Alice reassured softly.

Alisha took another bite, licking her lips. “You're not eating? Isn't it for you?”

“No. You can have it all. The way you asked for it was too sweet, how can I eat it?” Alice replied with a smile, finally taking a bite.

“It's dripping,” Alisha observed, noticing the melted cream.

Without hesitati
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