
Chapter 48 I Could Taste The Alcohol On His Breath

“you guys stop!“ I cried and I rushed to grab Eric. As I did he brought his hand back handing me in the face really hard.I stepped back a little holding my cheek making both boys look to me.Eric looked as if he had shot his mother and Colton looked like he was going to bring hell to Eric.“A - Adriana I’m-“ before Eric could even finish his sentence Colton kicked him in the side pushing him over his head making him land on his back.Colton got up and grabbed him by his Collar and pushed him into the wall punching him over and over again.“COLTON STOP!“ I screamed as Amlian ran pass me with my dad. Amlian grabbed Colton and pulled him away from Eric while my dad held on to Eric , a lifeless body.

I turned to my side to see Ash standing there in shock. I didn’t know how long she was there for but I wanted to reach out to hug her.Before I could Colton grabbed me pulling me off with him and my brother.“You two should probably go.“ Amlian said pushing us to the doors.“Ash and Eric’s father i
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