
Chapter 44

Bosey disguised himself and was unrecognisable.

Mandy was waiting in front of the security room and didn't see Bosey. She called him on phone.

“Where are you, | am in front of the security room and I can't find you" She said into the phone, quietly.

"| can see you baby, just turn around"

Mandy turned to see someone waving at her, it was Bosey!

She ended the call and went to him. She gasped on getting to where Bosey was.

"What? Why are you So surprised? He asked.

"You look so unrecognisable, that's why"

"Oh yeah, | know right? Even | don't recognise myself" he said smiling.

"Why are you not disguised? Bosey asked.

"| seriously couldn't think of anything to use, | am

really lost here”

"I thought as much, that’s why | brought something

Bosey handed Mandy a wig and a dark sunglasses to put on.

"Where do you get all these things?Mandy asked, while putting on the wig.

"| have my source, | won't tell"

"Really? You are not going to tell your girlfriend where you get wigs from?
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