
Part 2- Chapter 29

Maria's POV-

“I fucking told you, Maria. He’s a dead man you will see” Lucien fired his double meaning.

I froze at his words his threat from days ago

‘I wont just make him watch, I’ll make you watch as the life leaves his eyes’ repeating in my mind.

The anger was rolling through me in waves I was physically shaking at the furiousness I was feeling.

He had a nerve. He was here spying on the man whilst that same man had done nothing but protect me tonight.

I turned to see Lucien opening the door of his car.

I didn’t know where he was heading but I new him all too well to know that he was planning on going through with his threat.

A fire of need to protect the man that had only ever protected me was a need and must and before I knew it my mind had already sent the signal f


such a rocky love between lucien and maria. let me know your thoughts on the chapter, what do you think will happen next? please VOTE/COMMENT/REVIEW AND SHARE. Thankyou for reading.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Awww she need to leave n I think Carlo might be the right choice !

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