
Part 2- Chapter 42


I was bored. Miserable and alone.

I didn’t want to leave my room, I hated having to be stuck in this excessively large house and since I had to be stuck somewhere, what better place was there than my own bed?

Aimee was busy with planning for the wedding. Even though she had officially moved in she still had no spare time for us to hang out, not even for ten minutes a day. she has practically kidnapped Lorenzo, Everything the pair do is in preparations for their wedding that has now been moved forward to only two weeks away.

Today, was the date of their first dinner party held with some of the closest ally’s the family business have, so as you could imagine this place was hectic and yeah…I would rather hide out in this boring bedroom of mine then wonder off into the stress of Aimee and Lorenzo’s world.

It has been a little over a week since I had last seen Lucien. He was working, he and Diego had left the morning


well i didnt see that coming. i hope you enjoy. please VOTE/COMMENT/REVIEW AND SHARE. THANKYOU FOR READING :)

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goodnovel comment avatar
Carolina Nuñez
omgggg not expecting at alll wowww liking all these surprising chapters so far !!! .........

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