

As the day broke, the news of the attack and Lucius' role in repelling the assailants spread like wildfire. Lucius had become a hero but he remained troubled.

"You have been quiet all day", Asher said as he approached Lucius who was sitting alone and gazing into the winds.

"I was wondering how the Lycans quickly move around the town", Lucius replied. "I figured out that they use the tunnels to move around"

"What will you do?", Asher asked.

"I am going to the tunnels myself", Lucius declared definitely.

Deep within the abandoned tunnels beneath the capital, Lucius and Asher cautiously moved forward, their senses on high alert. The narrow passageways were cloaked in darkness, the air heavy with the scent of dampness and decay. They knew they were venturing into dangerous territory, where the Lycans had established their hidden routes and secret hideouts.

As they pressed deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, Lucius's keen senses detected the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the dista
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