
Chapter 52 – I don't actually love her

“Luigi’s POV”

I almost chuckled witnessing Caspian’s reaction, his face turns red as if he is a bomb about to explode after confessing that I love him.

He suddenly come closer to me, grabbing my collar, “don’t you dare try to ruin our relationship if not, your face will be ruin.” He warns me which makes me laugh.

“Oh! I thought you don’t love, Steph but why does it look like you don’t want to let go go of the woman I love?” I tried to tease him to make him admit that he loves her but he seems like he will not give up on pretending. I want it to make it short but I am enjoying in annoying him to avenge my beloved friend for hurting her badly.

And I want to know too what makes him to stop from loving my friend even though I can tell that he loves her and he cares for her despite of all the lies he is claiming.

“I don’t love her but that is not the reason for you to ruin our wedding vow,” he says to my face as he remove his grips from my collar. I pulled my shirt down to make it straight
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