
Chapter 12

Fiona Pov

I was totally lost and shocked from where to start. I didn't expect to see her here and

"What are you doing here darling?" She asked again, holding my hands softly as we both were seated close to each other on a sofa.

"I'm actually here for the interview." I replied and she looks surprise

"To be frank with you, I actually wanted to discuss this matter with you today and I'm so glad you're finally here."

"How?" I asked, looking lost.

"It's alright darling. I will explain everything to you. What would you like to have?"

"A glass of water will be fine."

"Okay. Let me make the call to get it for you." She said and walked over to the desk to make a call through the intercom.

"Frank, please come over to the study and inform one of the maids to bring a glass of water." She said over the intercom and gave me a warm smile before walking over to join me on the sofa.

"Just feel relaxed darling, it's more like your home." She urged me, caressing my face before a knock came over the door
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