
Chapter 68: Are you afraid of death?

A middle-aged man stepped down from the plane, his retro black suit and manly posture screaming wealth. Removing his shades, he gently placed them in his pocket. Even with his age, one couldn't deny his beauty.

"Sir, he is still not picking up," his assistant, who was around the same age, informed.

"Where is he?" he inquired.

"I haven't gotten his location, sir..." His assistant swallowed his remaining words when his boss cast a cold look at him. "I'll find it right away."

Sighing in disbelief, the man continued walking with three bodyguards following him.

Getting to his car, he drew out his phone and checked the news that forced him back.


"That hell of a son," he clenched his jaw.


Stepping into the study room, Candy found Diego working on his system.

"You've been working all day; you should rest," she spoke, walking to stand behind him.

"I'll be done soon..."

Candy kissed his lips before he could finish. "Please rest. You might fall sick, and I can't bear
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