
Chloe is awake

James walked back to his office, tired, and slumped down on his chair. He called Ethan on the phone immediately.

"What happened, James?"

"Chloe is awake, Ethan. She kept calling your name, I think you should drop whatever it is you're doing and come over to the hospital. She isn't the same, she needs you, Ethan," James told him.

"Right now, I can't come. I have important matters to attend to at the moment. I'll visit her tomorrow," Ethan said indifferently.

"Are you talking about the surprise plan? Bro, this is your childhood friend we are talking about. The plan can always wait because you'll have more time with her in the future, but you don't have much time with your friend," James said.

"Stop insisting because nothing will change my mind. I'll visit her, but not today,"

James sighed, "Alright, it's your call. I just thought I should let you know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to other patients."

He kept the call afterwards.

Chloe heard someone open the
Faith Neneh

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