
52. New Friendship

Roseline's POV

As soon as Vincenzo disappeared from sight, Kevin rushed to my side and helped me sit down on a chair. His voice was filled with concern as he asked, "Are you alright?"

I couldn't bring myself to answer him. Vincenzo's hurtful words and his treatment of me still lingered in my mind. I felt lost and drained, unable to respond.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed a glass of water placed in front of me. When I looked up, I realized Kevin had brought it for me. "Thank you; I'm fine," I murmured, looking away.

"No, you're not," he asserted firmly.

I glanced back at him, surprised by his tone. He let out a heavy sigh, closed his eyes briefly, and then pulled a chair in front of me, sitting down.

"From the very first day, I sensed that something was not right between you."

I stayed silent, feeling completely drained and lacking energy. Life seemed to continually throw me into difficult situations, leaving me worse off than before, no matter how hard I tried to accept what ca
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