
Horrible Presents... Or Maybe not...?

Ashton suddenly sits up on his bed.

The nightmare had clawed its way into Ashton's consciousness like a specter of dread, tearing him from the depths of sleep with a gasp of terror. His heart hammered against his ribcage, a frantic rhythm that echoed the turmoil within his mind. In a haze of fear and urgency, he threw off the covers and stumbled from his bed, his nightdress billowing around him as he rushed to the waiting plane. He had called them immediately to make the plane ready for takeoff. It's almost one am in the morning and he's still in his pajamas but he does not care. He's just worried about Ivy's safety.

The pilots, startled by his abrupt arrival, wasted no time in preparing for takeoff, their movements swift and efficient as they responded to Ashton's urgent commands. With engines roaring to life, the plane surged forward, hurtling into the inky darkness of the night sky.

Ashton's mind raced with a sense of foreboding, the nightmare's lingering tendrils weaving through h
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather W
My ex was an air craft mechanic. Planes are very very very very loud (even smaller planes). Like you can be a mile away and clearly hear it landing. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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