
Chapter 5

Elaine's P.O.V.

By the time Cannon left our place, it was late in the evening. Uncle and Aunt seemed to be very happy with Cannon and so for Evana.

Ignoring my existence, they continued gossiping which was all normal to me. Without bothering to utter anything, I made my way to my room.

Though it wasn't like Cannon was mine before, I still got jealous of Evana for the first time in my life.

Taking my clothes, I got into the washroom and stood for a cold shower.

I shut my heart mentally in a cold tone, "Stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood, that's just it."

But still for some reason, I couldn't help getting myself from shedding tears but the good thing was it got washed away by the water.

When I got shivering, I turned off the water and dried myself and then wearing my clothes, got out of the washroom.

I was feeling somewhat hungry but knowing what discussion, I would have to hear getting downstairs, I couldn't make my way there.

I got on the bed and forced myself to sleep.


Days were passing like in the blink of an eye. I heard good days normally pass like this. So were these days that type of day for me? I wondered.

But on the second note my boutique shop was gaining customers these days and the sales rate was increasing.

So I guessed yes. These days were good days for me as well.

For these days I stayed till late at my boutique using the excuse of increase of customers and all. They didn't bother though like it was good that I stayed away from them. They got reminding me anyways many times that my shop was nothing but a worthless shit and all.

The wedding date was getting near. And uncle and aunt were always talking about different things about that. The wedding shopping was going on with full swing.

Obviously it was supposed to go like that. After all Evana Marshall was getting married but from the media it was kept somewhat secret.

I wondered why but didn't bother much as it wasn't my business after all nor my concern was going to work with them.


Just two days were left before the wedding then. That day when I got back home from my boutique, it was quite late. Taking a quick shower, I got downstairs to get some food.

Then I saw Evana..

She was pacing in the living room. She seemed to be lost in deep thought. I took my food silently and was about to get back to my room but stopped and walked to her.


She got startled and didn't say anything for a few moments. Sensing something wrong, I spoke up, "Is anything wrong? You can share it with me."

She just stared at me. Not like just staring but more like glaring at me, "Stay in your limit, you.."

She didn't call me names this time though I was expecting. She left to her room. Letting out a sigh, I got back to my room.


Despite my wish, I accompanied Evana for shopping at night on the day just before her wedding.

Being somewhat hopeful, I suggested her to check my boutique for once but she gave me a disgusted look as she uttered, "That filthy boutique shop of yours? Oh, please. I have better standards."

I got silent and followed her silently not caring where she was going. I understood later it was just an excuse. She got out of the house with some other purpose which was unknown to me.

After a few minutes from arriving at the mall, she got a call. Glancing at her phone, she turned to me and spoke up, "You go ahead, choose a dress for me. I will be right back."

Leaving me alone there, she left before I could say something to where I didn't know.

Ever since that night of her pacing in the living room, I noticed she was behaving oddly. I tried to talk to her but as usual she avoided me and sternly told me to stay in my limits and much more.

For some reason, she hated me. I didn't know why. But I loved her. I mean she was my sister after all.

Leaving that thought at a break, I focused on choosing a dress though I knew there was no way she would wear something of my choice.

I stopped on my track when I heard someone uttering cheerfully, "Hey?"

I turned only to get startled as I saw him standing in front of me.


My crush.

He was in a cotton shirt of sapphire blue with a black blazer.

The sapphire blue colour was making him look fairer and smarter. His dark hair was perfectly combed giving a full view of his face.

I got lost for a few moments until he moved his hand in front of me. "Where are you lost?"

I mentally snapped at me, "Stop already. He is never going to be yours."

I looked here and there in embarrassment only to get him utter, "Hey Elaine, any problem?"

"No. What are you doing here?" I tried to act normal.

He looked in the direction and again turned to me. "Can you help me with something?" he pleaded innocently.

I couldn't help uttering then, "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Help me choose the bridal dress."

His words got me hurt somewhat but masking that, I spoke up remembering something, "I thought it was already taken. I mean, Evana showed me the dress."

He looked annoyed hearing me but he got uttering being normal the very next moment, "Yeah but my family got that for her. I want to choose something for my beloved by myself."

He really loved Evana. It was visible in his eyes. But_

I cut off my thoughts and spoke up smilingly, "Then you should have brought Evana or done it by yourself. Why are you asking for my help in this case?"

He uttered with a pout, "I want to surprise her but I am getting confused."

"Okay. Let's go." I uttered silencing my heart and followed him.

Sometimes I wondered how did I fall for Cannon, the guy who was my sister's boyfriend.

My heart got uttering, "He wasn't anyone's boyfriend when I loved him. You fool, I told you to talk to him. But you scared goat, you didn't."

These days I was getting in argument with myself pretty much. Being annoyed at my inner self, I shouted at me mentally, "Shut up."

I turned as I heard him uttering, "Choose one between these two."

I uttered confusedly, "Me?"

"Yes, you Elaine. There is none in front of me except for you."

"Okay" uttering this, I turned to the gowns.

I gasped as the sales girl moved away and gestured me to look at the dresses. Both of the gowns were really beautiful.

I chose the one with light pink small little flowers all over the chest, some even in the start of the skirt area. The gown flowed out elegantly, again the same flowers on the bottom of the dress making it look the most amazing wedding gown I ever saw.

Absentmindedly, I pictured myself in it only to get hurt.

Cannon was also looking at the dress, seemed to be imagining something.

Must be Evana in that dress.

Then he spoke up, "Okay then. I will take this one."

I managed to smile a little. When he was done, he offered me to drop home but I refused remembering about Evana, "I have some more things to do. You go ahead."

He spoke up nodding at me, "Okay then. See you." and was about to leave but got stopped and spoke up, "Where is Evana? At home?"

For a few moments, I thought what to answer and then spoke up stuttering, "M..maybe."

Smiling at me, he left from there.

I came back to the shop where Evana left me. I got a dress and kept waiting for her. I called her number for few times but she didn't answer it.

When it was almost 11 at night, she got back. Luckily few shops were still open for some reason.

We got back home. In our way, I asked her for few times what the matter was as she looked pissed off but she just shrugged off my question.

We got stopped seeing a Lamborghini by the road side near the entrance of our house.

Cannon was standing there leaning on the car.

He was still in his sapphire blue, cotton shirt. But now it was slightly wrinkled and his black blazer was hanging on his arm.

His rolled up sleeves were expressing that he was standing here for quite some time.

Seeing us, he smilingly walked forward as he uttered referring me, "Hey, how come you two are together? Elaine, wasn't you alone there?"

Before I could say something, Evana spoke up as she got near him all smilingly, "I got there later. Anyways what are you doing here now?"

Before Cannon could spoke up, I left from there slightly nodding at him.

As it was already pretty late and being somewhat hurt and hell tired, I fell on the bed and closed my eyes. Soon sleep engulfed me.

The next morning when I woke up it was pretty late. I wondered why anyone didn't wake me up.

Getting freshen up, I got downstairs quickly. But the environment down there was quite confusing for me.

Nothing like excitement, chaos sounds got into my hearing which was going on for past few days.

Did everyone left for church already? I wondered.

Then I saw Uncle and aunt were seated in the living room with dark faces. They seemed to be lost in deep thoughts.

Being confused, I forwarded towards Evana's room but it was empty. Not just empty but the whole surrounding of the room was weirdly haphazard. Everything looked out of shape.

Like someone went through the whole room in search of something.

When I got to know the reason behind the condition of the room as well as the dark faces of my uncle and aunt, I was dumbfounded....

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